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Skoda Economy Parts


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I'm looking for parts for my 2007 vRS Diesel.  Brakes all round and suspension, can anyone advise if they've used the Skoda Economy parts advertised here: https://www.skoda-auto.com/services/parts - are there any performance issues I should be aware of?



This is a special group of spare parts that have been optimally designed for vehicles that are more than four years old so that the cost of maintaining and repairing such cars is consistent with their present value. Consequently, they offer an ideal ratio between the repair price and the vehicle’s residual value. Whereas ŠKODA Genuine Parts and ŠKODA Exchange Parts are identical to parts used in the manufacture of new cars, Economy Parts offer slightly fewer options and their design features have been adjusted. The materials used are in keeping with the purpose of these parts, and there has been no compromise when it comes to quality. You can rest assured that, like any other ŠKODA product, ŠKODA Economy Parts are made according to ŠKODA’s technological standards, with an emphasis on the topmost quality and safety. ŠKODA Economy Parts come with a standard two-year guarantee. They are supplied through the ŠKODA authorised dealership network.

Why buy ŠKODA Economy Parts?

These are exclusively ŠKODA products. They are cheaper than Genuine Parts, their quality has been thoroughly tested by the Volkswagen Group, and they come with a two-year guarantee.



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