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2020 F1 Discussion


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8 hours ago, Lady Elanore said:

I suspect it is because of the thing that he actually did. His team expressed surprise when they saw how far up he went to practise his starts. They even said of the second practise start, 'that won't go unnoticed' so they knew he might be in trouble. Misunderstanding between Hamilton and team, unfortunately, led to his being penalised. Perhaps 2 x 5 second penalties was a bit harsh, but he was always going to get something for the second start 


It is getting ridiculous though.


Attempts to cripple Mercedes engines by mid season rule changes. Attempts to reduce Mercedes aero power by changing the aero rules for next year

( the '21 cars were supposed to be the same as this year's. )

Frequent protests against Mercedes from RedBull.

Any transgression from Hamilton gets stamped on whilst others get away with it. Like leClerc yesterday scot-free despite repeating his slow corner crash wrecking another car error.

Even when it's clearly 50/50 Hamilton gets the book thrown at him (collisions with Albon), but for others it's a "racing incident". 


Surprised all at Mercedes aren't extremely paranoid by now 


Don't know what their contractual position is but if they break all Ferrari's records this year and then walk, F1 would look pretty silly with only 12 cars.


With a dieselgate to pay for the DB board could decide to save the big racing budget for other priorities, like VW did.


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41 minutes ago, PetrolDave said:

... unless the team has a prancing horse badge.

Then you quietly stop them using oil as fuel and magically their car is turned into a Fiat 500 😊

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3 hours ago, Jfhuk said:

F1 admin never likes it when any team gets more dominant than the others. All they want is good TV. Can’t blame Liberty after the mega amount they paid I suppose.


Still waiting for something, anything, positive from Liberty F1. 


Sacking Ecclestone made for a clean break, but what have they achieved since? It seemed like Mr Carey was more concerned about being seen in F1 than actually doing any business.


They haven't gained anything in their stated target market, the USA; Vietnam has built a street track, but it remains to be seen whether F1 will catch on there, or if it's to be a white elephant like Korea, India etc.

and they've lost the long established Sepang event.


It seems that Liberty's input is mostly unsuccessfully tinkering with the rules to handicap Mercedes.

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Red Bull have burnt their bridges with Renault, can't See Mercedes supplying them, so leaves them looking to Ferrari. Could be interesting. 

Just now, Robjon said:


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50 minutes ago, shyVRS245 said:

Doubt very much that Max will want to be a Red Bull driver in 2022.

Depends what engine is in the back of it. 

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Hahahaha. Quitters. Only surprise is that Renault didn't quit first, since both have repeated history of running away from F1 when they can't win.


That might just trigger an exit clause for Verstappen. Mercedes might well get him on the cheap instead of Hamilton ( who must surely wish he'd signed a contract already ).

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8 hours ago, moley said:

Red Bull have burnt their bridges with Renault, can't See Mercedes supplying them, so leaves them looking to Ferrari. Could be interesting. 


FIA rules will force Renault to supply both teams if they can't make alternative arrangements by next spring.

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7 hours ago, shyVRS245 said:

Doubt very much that Max will want to be a Red Bull driver in 2022.

2022? There's currently a Mercedes vacant for 2021. 


"Hi Wolffy, Jos here, you can have Max free for 2021, then pay for subsequent years, what do you say?"


Even Senna offered to drive for free to get into the team he wanted.



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On 02/10/2020 at 22:11, camelspyyder said:

FIA rules will force Renault to supply both teams if they can't make alternative arrangements by next spring.

This is correct, but I would imagine it would be a rather frosty relationship after Horner's criticism of the Renault engines performance last time it was in the back of the Red Bull. 

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2 minutes ago, moley said:

This is correct, but I would imagine it would be a rather frosty relationship after Horner's criticism of the Renault engines performance last time it was in the back of the Red Bull. 

Cyril said straight away that they would supply RB/AT if requested too. Might have a contract that insists on Renault getting some credit for future success though. Maybe the lol-lol naming convention, Renault-RedBull, in all press releases.


Back to Honda:


They claimed to be quitting F1 as part of their plan to be carbon neutral by 2050.


That doesn't explain them, the very next day, extending their stay in Indycar does it? ( where they are fully competitive )


To me the second announcement just reinforces them as losers and quitters who can't hack F1...

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2 hours ago, Lady Elanore said:

Funnily enough Honda has just announced its staying in Indycar racing :D 



The day after making their grand departure from F1 over green concerns😂😅


I don't know if there is a Japanese word for irony...but Honda seem inscrutably unaware of it.


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10 minutes ago, camelspyyder said:



The day after making their grand departure from F1 over green concerns😂😅


I don't know if there is a Japanese word for irony...but Honda seem inscrutably unaware of it.


Indy cars run on ethanol and have smaller 22US gallon tanks (used to have 30 gallon) averaging 4.2 miles per gallon. Modern F1 cars are allowed 110kg which works out at 7.9 miles per European gallon.

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1 hour ago, camelspyyder said:



I don't know if there is a Japanese word for irony...but Honda seem inscrutably unaware of it.



Honda don't use Irony, they use steely and other lighter metals :D 

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1 hour ago, shyVRS245 said:

Indy cars run on ethanol and have smaller 22US gallon tanks (used to have 30 gallon) averaging 4.2 miles per gallon. Modern F1 cars are allowed 110kg which works out at 7.9 miles per European gallon.

Isn't alcohol fuel cleaner and greener though? Not that I think that an excuse for Honda.

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So no F1 today because of Rain/Cloud/Fog at Nurburgring.


I'll have to check but I believe Rosemeyer and Stewart absolutely demolished their contemporaries in those conditions on the old 14 mile track.


Modern health and safety wont let them out on the sanitised new 'RIng though.



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I checked.


Bernd won the '36 Eifellrennen ( Gemany's second GP) in fog, some 40 seconds a lap faster than anyone else, and the same year won the German GP by 4 minutes.


Stewart also won by 4 minutes in foul weather in '68



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6 minutes ago, camelspyyder said:

So no F1 today because of Rain/Cloud/Fog at Nurburgring.


I'll have to check but I believe Rosemeyer and Stewart absolutely demolished their contemporaries in those conditions on the old track.


Modern health and safety wont let them out on the sanitised new 'RIng though.

1968 Jackie Stewart won by over four minutes in wet and foggy conditions while driving with a broken wrist.

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It's official I am braver than an F1 driver as my commute tonight involved driving on the M1 in heavy spray made worse by lots of HGV with zero vision yet drivers even better than me were speeding past.........perhaps one was indeed Sir Jackie who I met in 1993 at Silverstone.:rain:

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