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Is SkodaConnect buggy?


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The schedule for Auxiliary Heater does not set the time I want example when I choose 16:40 it set the time to 16:30. Anybody have same issue?

And without the schedule I want to like set Timer to 10 minutes and when I refresh it says 20 minutes.


Have reinstalled the app and cleared the data of the app


Anybody facing same issue?

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5 hours ago, nakti said:

0l:40 it set the time to 16:30. Anybody have same issue?

And without the schedule I want to like set Timer to 10 minutes and when I refresh it says 20

What is the "granularity" of time and duration in the application? This behaviour could mean that the granularity of time and duration fields is 20 minutes but you keep making settings for every 10 minutes.

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  • 1 month later...
On 24/02/2020 at 20:10, silver1011 said:

Is Skoda Connect buggy? The biggest understatement of the year 😂


It is woeful, and about as much use as a chocolate teapot. And that's when it is up and running, which is rare!

It´s because I bought a new skoda and it is my first skoda car with Skoda Connect ;)

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Under invested.


As it doesn't directly improve sales of cars they hashed together something that kind of works, but ends up really annoying owners when it rarely does what they say that it should.


The nerve of Skoda is the fact they try and charge people to renew their membership after the first free year. Delusional.

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