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Remote Control Boot/Trunk Release on Aftermarket Kit


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Has anyone had any luck in getting the trunk release to work on one of the aftermarket remote control c/l kits?

The one I have, is one of the cheap chinese kits like in the link at the bottom.

My problem is that I can get the unit to pulse when pressing the boot release button, but it is too weak to trigger a standerd automotive relay (the pulse is around 0.5V, 100mA for 2seconds)

I have attempted to create my own switching circuit using a NPN tranisistor in place of a relay, but with no success, that was using the pulse connected to the transistor base. (Interestingly enough I was able to trigger the transistor just by touching the transistors base with my bare hand) but not using the pulse wire from the control unit.

Is there something I am missing?

I am a total novice when it comes to microcircuits, but I know my way around automotive wiring


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Is there another work around? Mabey a field effect transistior?

I could probably manage to get a 0.7V pulse from the unit, but it would mean removing a diode from between the unit and transistor base, which I am reluctant to do in case I damage the control unit with too much current or incorect polarity.

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1 hour ago, R_U_AFA said:

Is there another work around? Mabey a field effect transistior?

You would be VERY lucky to find a FET that would switch with that low a gate voltage.


Better to look at an op-amp with an open collector/drain output then connect the inverting input to the module and the non-inverting input to a resistor chain designed to deliver 0.25V.


Then connect the relay between the op-amp output and 12V.

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