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DPF's regens, soot, ash, oil & all that jazz.


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I am rather new to this party as the Yeti is my first car with a DPF, I returned to the UK today to collect it, brought VCDS with me but forgot to bring a very good "all you need to knwo about DPF's guide" that I printed last week.


I have had the car since last autumn, been working on it and running it at idle  several times to charge the battery but not been able to drive it, the insurance is effective from tomorrow.


Ran it at idle today till water up to temp and the DPF light came on and the MFD said something about owners manual, the owners manual says that if the light comes on drive it to create a regen, if the MFD says owners manual then its in limp mode and has to go to a garage, I do hope that is a misprint, I will see soon enough tomorrow.


In the meantime I checked the DPF values in VCDS and this is what it said:


F*** F*** F*** 😞 wouldnt you bloody well know it, once again I cant find the feckin file, I know it saved it, I saw it amongst the other files and was sure it was in the folder with the VCDS scans but there is no feckin sign of it again 🙁


Anyway I can recall the important bit, there was 29g of soot/ash/oil or whatever it is calculated & I think I recall reading that the level to trigger a regen was 29 or 30, however the measured value is only 3g, - why the difference?


What is the correct reading? if its the measured then why does it calculate so different and decide on a regen.


and if anyone can point me in the direction of where to find the values from measuring blocks that I know were saved I would be very gratefull.

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I found it somewhere called "logs" and copied it but I'm blowed if I know how to get back there again, thats what I hate about VCDS, you need to be a computer geek to use it.


anway this was the results:


  IDE00430-ENG57549   Particle filter: field regeneration request status-Bits 0-7 0
  IDE00431-ENG57549   Particle filter: field regeneration lock status-Bits 0-7 0
  IDE00432   Particle filter: time since last regeneration 39244 s
  IDE00433   Particle filter: oil ash volume 0.09 l
  IDE00434   Particle filter: soot mass calculated 29.70 g
  IDE00435   Particle filter: soot mass measured 3.25 g
  IDE00436   Particle filter: kilometers since last regeneration 180093 m


Is this good, bad or indifferent for a vehicle with 85K miles?

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