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Is it possible to accidentally lock yourself in to a modern Skoda?


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I managed to do so today in the B&Q car park & very embarassing it was too, it was probably just a bad set of circumstances but having read of people being locked in, not being able to get out and in a couple of cases dying from the heat (not today though) I wanted to ask under what circumstances a person can get locked in, the car is a 2015 Yeti and new to me and while stuck inside I did reflect on the "Safelock- please check manual!" warning that shows on the Maxidot when the ignition is turned off. - I did check the manual and as usual it was of no help.


What happened today was that I opened both drivers & passengers doors & had been trying storage boxes under the front seats to see if they would fit, got in drivers seat, doors closed and went to start car, no keys in ignition, felt in pockets, not there either, went to open door to see if they had dropped on the floor outside but it was locked, all doors locked, windows would not unwind, - locked in 🙁


Moved around looking for keys on passenger seat or footwells and alarm siren sounded (at least it works!!) after time out hazard flashers continued. I had left my mobile phone at home as well 😀


So I took some time to think and plan, nobody was taking any notice of the alarm or hazards, had a good feel around and thankfully found the keys on the drivers floor, I could have trodden on them locking the doors but did not hear them lock, they do not lock when I drive it and I confirmed that by opening a door on the way home.


So was it just bad luck or are there circumstances where this could happen? I dont want a repeat performance.


Really pleased that I did not break out the windowbut think that i might in future carry an automatic centre punch just in case.

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10 hours ago, J.R. said:

it was probably just a bad set of circumstance

Well, if I'm reading this correctly, you used the plip and promptly misplaced it. The functionality seems to be "as designed" except for the "losing the plip".

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I dont know that I did that, I used it to open the drivers door, then opened the passengers door also, a few minutes expired, closed passengers door, got in drivers seat and found myself locked in, I dont think I trod on the keyfob while in the car, the locking button being pressed in my pocket while one or both doors open is more of a possibility.


I am trying to make sense of what might of happened, having had a taste of it I dont want a recurrence, if it was an accidental lock command and then the doors locked after the final one was closed I was really lucky to find the keysin the car, if they were outside I would have been foutu.


Never had this happen in 15 years of Octavia 1 & 2 ownership and I will have done similar things literally hundreds of times, never had a "Safelock" warning come up on the display either, I cant help but think they are related.


Looks like I may need to have 2 emergency keys hidden, one outside and one inside to cover all eventualities.

Edited by J.R.
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I tried to replicate it this evening and failed so I think that I must have trodden on the keyfob when I got in and didnt hear the doors locking, its the latter bit that surprises me.

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Have to assume the 2015 (modern) plate Yeti doesn't have an unlock button on the centre console then???


My 2005 plate Octavia does.


Is it a case of 'Simply Clever Skoda'?????


Maybe a piece of string or an old style pocket watch chain for your car keys.................................................Or a hearing aid for you, Lol.

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I was once locked out of my Corsa D.Did not open car doors,but used remote just to open tailgate.Managed to put car keys on the boot floor with the bag I was placing.

Slammed the tailgate shut,and remembered keys were inside.Alas,as passenger doors had not been opened,car was locked,with keys inside  . I had no spare.....

Car assistance guy broke in to retrIeve keys.I now carry a  dumb spare on the outside of the Citigo.It is just cut for a door lock,and will not start the car.At least I can get in now,but once bitten twice shy....There is provision in Citigo to release the tailgate from inside the car,if ever I were locked in.

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1 hour ago, Blackcountryman said:

Did not open car doors,but used remote just to open tailgate.Managed to put car keys on the boot floor with the bag I was placing.

Slammed the tailgate shut,and remembered keys were inside.

On the Octavia III you can use VCDS (or OBD11 or ...) to add a delay to the tailgate locking when you just unlock the tailgate.


Controller 09 – Central Electronics

16 - Security Access - enter 31347

10 - Adaptations


Change (26)-Access control-Freigabenachlauf Heck nach Einzeloeffnung ueber HDF-Funktaster to active

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You must have pressed the lock button at the very least after the drivers door was closed. From memory, although i haven't tried recently, you can press the lock button with the doors open and once they shut they are now locked apart from the drivers door, which has to be shut BEFORE the lock button has been pressed to actually lock the door.


Just been out and tried this on my Passat and with the drivers door open, none of the other doors will lock at all, so to lock any of the other doors the drivers door has to be closed fully, unless of course you have an issue with the door microswitch


So in conclusion, if you can't be trusted with a key, remember to leave the drivers door open. :D

Edited by SuperbTWM
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Everyones sorta answered this but this is Intentional. 'Deadlocks' are on most modern cars, and its a security feature. Its pretty useless because your window can get just get smashed in, but hey it means a thief cant get into your car quietly - they'd have to cause quite a racket.

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14 minutes ago, sakta said:

Everyones sorta answered this but this is Intentional. 'Deadlocks' are on most modern cars, and its a security feature. Its pretty useless because your window can get just get smashed in, but hey it means a thief cant get into your car quietly - they'd have to cause quite a racket.


Not 'pretty useless' if you want to leave your windows open a little, for fresh air maybe..........


Maybe someone can get an arm in, but won't be able to open the doors.........

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