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Glove care?


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I use the standard budget rubber coated gloves for many things including bike/car /house/garden maintenance. So they tend to get quite mucky but not in bad shape. Does anyone else bung them through the machine with some other equally soiled items? Or do they usually save a pair for set tasks? I could have a couple of pairs for car cleaning and then a pile for other stuff.



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Bit of both / either.....

If doing greasy or oily work then I use rubber gloves (marygolds) with the sleeves / cuffs cut down, so can just wipe these off when done.and reuse many times. Sometimes worn with liner gloves inside if cold out.


Although the builders type rubber coated gloves are cheap as chips I have washed them before, as I do not like waste. Best I have found are the Showa 310's.

Surprisingly they came out of the wash quite well, but also I will generally use same pair for gardening, a different pair for other stuff etc.

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