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Samsung fridge freezers....


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inherited a samsung american style in our new house..

its big on the fridge side, but freezer isnt hectic, between the (hardly ever used) ice maker and water outlets (the water not being used currently either due to some black fluff stuff appearing in the water last week, after the filter so i reckon a seal breaking down... it can wait until i have time) the freezer loses about 30% of its potential space. cant speak of cost though, as it was here when we moved in, not even sure how old it is. 

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Guest BigJase88

I originally wanted a black samsung american fridge freezer but they stopped doing gloss black so i got an LG gloss black one, water and ice dispenser (non plumbed) no complaints

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Looking at the rs8000 as currently some very good deals.


SWMBO had declared (and I agree) the the current approx 50L of freezer space in the built in fridge freezer was a joke.


I don’t know about yours, but on this model, the manual says the ice maker can be removed and some sort of shelf put in it’s place.



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Guest BigJase88

I got the LG GSL761WBXV a couple of years ago. Nice looking machine


i don’t think my ice maker can be removed but i wanted ice.


you can get them with water only or nothing if you prefer they are cheaper too.


they are all much the same fridge is a fridge and all that so if you don’t want ice then get the cheapest samsung one you can.


i looked at a lot of fridges and to me the lg and samsung ones looked the best made and best looking. Some other makes looked cheap and nasty.

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2 hours ago, mac11irl said:

water outlets (the water not being used currently either due to some black fluff stuff appearing in the water last week, after the filter 

When was the filter last changed? What filter is it? 

How often was/is the water/ice function used? 

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Guest BigJase88
20 minutes ago, gadgetman said:

When was the filter last changed? What filter is it? 

How often was/is the water/ice function used? 

Quick google suggests every 6 months to change. Im at 2 years on original filter. Still alive 😎

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14 minutes ago, BigJase88 said:

Quick google suggests every 6 months to change. Im at 2 years on original filter. Still alive 😎

If you use it a lot, then it'll have expired and be offering no protection. 


If you use it very infrequently (ie only warmer months), then you risk some nasty bacteria building up. 


You need to flush 10x the filters size (litres being held inside it) MINIMUM before reusing after being left idle for more than 4 weeks. 

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Guest BigJase88
6 minutes ago, gadgetman said:

If you use it a lot, then it'll have expired and be offering no protection. 


If you use it very infrequently (ie only warmer months), then you risk some nasty bacteria building up. 


You need to flush 10x the filters size (litres being held inside it) MINIMUM before reusing after being left idle for more than 4 weeks. 

I use it every day for the water.


makes no odds to me i’m from a cooncil estate originally so been brought up on tap water and haven’t died yet, be grand for a couple more years at least 😎



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31 minutes ago, BigJase88 said:

I use it every day for the water.


makes no odds to me i’m from a cooncil estate originally so been brought up on tap water and haven’t died yet, be grand for a couple more years at least 😎



LOL, it'll knacker the water system in the fridge too. 


They're not expensive to replace 

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Guest BigJase88
20 minutes ago, gadgetman said:

LOL, it'll knacker the water system in the fridge too. 


They're not expensive to replace 

Will it 😱

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4 hours ago, gadgetman said:

When was the filter last changed? What filter is it? 

How often was/is the water/ice function used? 


water used every day, only changed the filter in January...

i will investigate it further, once i have time.

waterfiltermen is where i got my replacements they do a 12month filter version too btw...


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Have a Samsung fridge freezer for three years and very pleased with it. They are totally frost free and they have a Digital Inverter motor guaranteed for 10 years. This means that the compressor is not always operating at maximum output so the compressor speed varies with the cooling required, i.e summer or winter or fully loaded or empty saving electricity

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The rs8000 comes only with ice/water in plumbed or non plumbed.


The net 207L (gross is about 240L) if freezer space is well above anything else at a similar price. A Bosch has slightly more, but it’s over £2000 *ouch*


on the plus point, at least it’s a different subject to the current virus 😂

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20 hours ago, mac11irl said:

inherited a samsung american style in our new house..

its big on the fridge side, but freezer isnt hectic, between the (hardly ever used) ice maker and water outlets (the water not being used currently either due to some black fluff stuff appearing in the water last week, after the filter so i reckon a seal breaking down... it can wait until i have time) the freezer loses about 30% of its potential space. cant speak of cost though, as it was here when we moved in, not even sure how old it is. 

mac- last fridge/freezer had a water dispenser, but we never had any black fluff in it. Possibly as we buy supermarket  bottled water 90 non fizzie stuff) to put in it . We have had black fluff appear out of all the ( cold ) taps and the washing machine inlet tray needs a good clean out ever few months. Likewise the toilet cistern.

Standard water board reply is that the fluff is down to microbes etc in the water which only appear as black fluff in contact with air. Cure ( again according to water board) its to wipe the inside of taps etc with Milton. Now I've lived in many different places with most types of water .And even in the most primitive of supplies up in the Highlands, we might get tadpoles ,but never black fluff. ( At least it proved the water was fit to drink).

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UP north we did not have any water treatment, but tadpoles survived.  Strange that in the days of water super cleaning ,we still get black fluff which water companies tell us they cannot remove. Personaly, I'd sooner have the need to filter my water to remove tadpoles ( as in ye olde days ) than in the so called modern treatment days where black fluff ( containing how many problems) and where our water is "said" to be super clean. Answers on a post card from our water companies.I'LL NOT HOLD MY BREATH.

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Any water that's standing will lose the chlorine/chloramine/ozone and start to get a bit interesting biologically if it gets even a bit warm. The black bits will be on the warm side of the fridge in the pipework and getting flushing out when drawn. Using bottled water will be worse as it doesn't have any level of treatment, but in any case water after the carbon filter won't have anything to prevent mould growing. Some kitchen (like bathrooms) tend to be a bit damp so mould is never too far away, it is only ever really waiting for a chance to colonise something.

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but it isnt standing at all. average day theres about 4 litres run through our plumbed fridge water system. so i cant figure how anything may have had a chance to do anything biological 

either way, aint using it at present until i can figure out and find the source problem and fix it, or just disconnect it and pretend it isnt there...

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2 hours ago, mac11irl said:

but it isnt standing at all. average day theres about 4 litres run through our plumbed fridge water system. so i cant figure how anything may have had a chance to do anything biological 

either way, aint using it at present until i can figure out and find the source problem and fix it, or just disconnect it and pretend it isnt there...

OK so water doesn't stand and gas off the water treatment, but the water after the filter is without treatment so can be a breeding ground for bugs.

Before replacing filter (ideally remove old filter first if you can) just run lots of Milton baby bottle cleaner through the tank and flush it well, also slosh lots of Milton around the outlet of the system to kill any mould spores. Works for mouldy water storage systems on boats/caravans, even a well used system will gunge up within a few months, the sun promotes bio film and mould, I'd always thought UV would kill bugs but it seems the windows kill the weak UV and the bugs like light...

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4 hours ago, mac11irl said:

but it isnt standing at all. average day theres about 4 litres run through our plumbed fridge water system. so i cant figure how anything may have had a chance to do anything biological 

either way, aint using it at present until i can figure out and find the source problem and fix it, or just disconnect it and pretend it isnt there...

daft question, but it’s not the filter internals breaking down is it?


Might be worth trying a new filter after a flush. Samsung say if the filter isn’t in the machine it bypasses it (Assuming your model works this way of course).

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ours is a mains plumbed setup, filter located under the sink for ease of access. 

i dont believe there is any tank - turn off water valve ( under sink) instantly stops water flow at dispenser..


if it is the filter breaking down, ill be ****ed.. they are genuine samsungs that i bought. my plan is to get a length of new 1/4" pìping and run water direct from filter to see how that looks. if its ok, then its fridge out time 🙄

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19 hours ago, NJRJ said:

Any water that's standing will lose the chlorine/chloramine/ozone and start to get a bit interesting biologically if it gets even a bit warm. The black bits will be on the warm side of the fridge in the pipework and getting flushing out when drawn. Using bottled water will be worse as it doesn't have any level of treatment, but in any case water after the carbon filter won't have anything to prevent mould growing. Some kitchen (like bathrooms) tend to be a bit damp so mould is never too far away, it is only ever really waiting for a chance to colonise something.

And in the case I quoted from my youth ??  No chlorine in that water, just straight out a peat bog or two. It was that clean that it was certified by GPO labs as suitable for use (straight from the tap) for lead acid cells. We did get mould out of our last fridge water ( no fancy filters in that one) , but Swimbo washed out the container/ran Milton through the system and we changed to bottled water . Problem solved.

As for the mould problem- that is down to good practice. Despite what the council housing inspectors would have you believe. local kitchen/bathroom upgrades have all included a fancy fan in the install. It runs constantly on a low setting . That low that with a mild breeze we get a flow into both rooms on idle ,with a minor reduction when at full blast. Nice one in the kitchen as it's now colder in there than with the old Baxi vent in situ. I've refused to have it running and blocked of the intake. Pointless IMHO having an externally cladded house, with double glazing and a howling gale coming in. I've noticed th difference in heating bills since I cured that problem.

As for the doubters, I & Swimbo  follow same practices as our parents. And in 70 + years of LA housing neither of us has seen damp/mould growth in either room. 

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