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Samsung fridge freezers....


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Guest BigJase88
1 hour ago, VWD said:

And in the case I quoted from my youth ??  No chlorine in that water, just straight out a peat bog or two. It was that clean that it was certified by GPO labs as suitable for use (straight from the tap) for lead acid cells. We did get mould out of our last fridge water ( no fancy filters in that one) , but Swimbo washed out the container/ran Milton through the system and we changed to bottled water . Problem solved.

As for the mould problem- that is down to good practice. Despite what the council housing inspectors would have you believe. local kitchen/bathroom upgrades have all included a fancy fan in the install. It runs constantly on a low setting . That low that with a mild breeze we get a flow into both rooms on idle ,with a minor reduction when at full blast. Nice one in the kitchen as it's now colder in there than with the old Baxi vent in situ. I've refused to have it running and blocked of the intake. Pointless IMHO having an externally cladded house, with double glazing and a howling gale coming in. I've noticed th difference in heating bills since I cured that problem.

As for the doubters, I & Swimbo  follow same practices as our parents. And in 70 + years of LA housing neither of us has seen damp/mould growth in either room. 

Also did the same removed fan, threw it in the bin and filled up the hole (in my utility room) was freezing

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Naturally acidic water isn't quite battery acid but will depress some bugs, or maybe the tadpoles ate all the organisms that create mould. We used to get something like a shrimp in our water (but never tadpoles), but filtering the water just meant loads of filter changes, it was so much easier to let it settle, though if you ran a bath you could see the shrimp in big numbers! Couldn't drink a glass of water, in a mug you couldn't see the shrimp...

I'm surprised the fan you've blocked was just an extractor as most are (and should be) heat exchanger fans that use the heat out to warm the incoming air.

Draughty old houses rarely had mould, and this is why modern construction uses weep vents, trickle vents and heat exchange ventilation systems.

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Hence the problems in modern water supply. Water company solved one problem but another evolved. I'd still prefer old highland stream water to that produced by water companies.

Fan I blocked was the Council equivalent of kings new clothes. Councils have only one idea in mind. That damp is caused by tenants. The fan I blocked was one not suitable for its position due to the prevailing wind.


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From memory the black fluffy stuff is manganese oxide...   if yiu live in an area where the water comes from higher areas containing peat then there will always be manganese in the water supply and it oxidises out very quickly.

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On 18/04/2020 at 11:32, skomaz said:

From memory the black fluffy stuff is manganese oxide...   if yiu live in an area where the water comes from higher areas containing peat then there will always be manganese in the water supply and it oxidises out very quickly.

I hail from an area in on the north west coast of Scotland. As I've mentioned earlier we had ( in those days ) no treatment plant. The water came from an old reservoir high in the hills direct to our taps. The reservoir got its water from an area full of draining peat bogs ( with an acid content high enough from past posts to be declared as suitable for topping up large battery concentrations). But we never saw any problems with black fluff in the water. Possibly all the tadpoles we had to filter out ate all the bacteria🤣

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  • 8 months later...

Bit of a thread revival. I'm looking at a new fridge freezer as my current one is not only a little too small but the compressor pump is starting to sound a bit 'tired'. It is 20+ years old, so it's not done too badly.


I've looked at a Samsung and can fit this model in the alcove in my kitchen (I have a height restriction of 179 cm). Trouble is I need a timed delivery and only Currys can do this (the fridge is out of stock at local suppliers). I am trying to avoid Currys as they gave rotten service the last two times I tried to order anything from them. They screwed up a paid delivery on both orders and I ended up cancelling both items subsequently ....grrrr 


The other option I have is  Liebherr fridge which fits even better and has all the features I require. The only thing is they are a bit pricey and I wonder if you get what you pay for in this instance. I have several Samsung bits of kit (phones, tvs, tablets, washing machine etc) and they have all been exemplary in service, but as I am struggling to find the Samsung fridge I want and also be able to set a delivery time, the Liebherr is a better option as it is physically a better fit, I can set a delivery time and it is allegedly a decent fridge. 


Anyone know if Leibherr are as good as they claim? Are they worth the extra outlay? 

Edited by Lady Elanore
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Hmm, I had a look at that and I was a little surprised. I had a look at the Argos site and for £12.50 they can give me an evening slot for delivery on a Samsung FF. As it happens I had a little over a £100 on my Nectar card so that was a nice unexpected discount! I think you can guess I've bought the Samsung, unfortunately it's black, so no doubt it will be covered in the usual dinks, just more visible in fingerprint black :D I don't mind as long as they are not on the doors or damaging the rear radiator. 

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On 21/01/2021 at 14:47, Lady Elanore said:

Bit of a thread revival. I'm looking at a new fridge freezer as my current one is not only a little too small but the compressor pump is starting to sound a bit 'tired'. It is 20+ years old, so it's not done too badly.


I've looked at a Samsung and can fit this model in the alcove in my kitchen (I have a height restriction of 179 cm). Trouble is I need a timed delivery and only Currys can do this (the fridge is out of stock at local suppliers). I am trying to avoid Currys as they gave rotten service the last two times I tried to order anything from them. They screwed up a paid delivery on both orders and I ended up cancelling both items subsequently ....grrrr 


The other option I have is  Liebherr fridge which fits even better and has all the features I require. The only thing is they are a bit pricey and I wonder if you get what you pay for in this instance. I have several Samsung bits of kit (phones, tvs, tablets, washing machine etc) and they have all been exemplary in service, but as I am struggling to find the Samsung fridge I want and also be able to set a delivery time, the Liebherr is a better option as it is physically a better fit, I can set a delivery time and it is allegedly a decent fridge. 


Anyone know if Leibherr are as good as they claim? Are they worth the extra outlay? 


I went for a samsung American style fridge freezer, one of the RS68N series, a bit like this:




There was a massive discount on during lockdown 1 and it works well.

Re the store you mention, they were the ones with the very big discount and then an additional coupon code, which made them so much cheaper than anyone else that you basically had no choice but to use them


Fridge also had a free 5 year warranty from Samsung, and 10year on the inverter.


To be honest the service was very good, and what with the 5 year warranty, I'd do it again if the cost difference was that large.


The Liebherr are supposed good (I believe they make at least some of the Miele range), but when we compared the two, the samsung was a lot cheaper and had a good warranty.


Ours was in stainless steel and there were no dinks. As for the reat radiator, ours is enclosed in aluminium and there is a fan for if needed (which rately comes on).

It's been good and the fingerprints are limited thanks to the anti-fingerprint coating. Anything on there wipes off easily.


EDIT: Just seen you went to argos, I've been very surprised by how good they have been of late. Many of the goods we have purchased have been cheaper than the major online retailer with the free delivery subsciption and that includes paying for delivery the same day from argos..

Edited by cheezemonkhai
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I've just had a mini freezer delivered from Appliance World, they have been excellent. Ordered it on Wednesday and even though they don't do specific times for delivery, they roughly accommodated my wishes. Would have loved a bigger fridge freezer but space and shape of kitchen means the Samsung fridge freezer plus this mini freezer should be perfect. I don't know why I didn't do it earlier, as my job means often getting back from working away and nothing to eat when I get in. Or if I do some batch cooking, I can't freeze things like bread due to lack of space. Beko is humming away at the moment busy chilling down. I was a bit alarmed that it didn't simply go into freeze mode and the compressor solidly for a few hours. It seems to be doing it in steps and having a think about things as it goes - at least I hope that's what it is doing. Hopefully the Samsung will land in 10 days or there abouts 

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We considered that route too but had enough space by the existing fridge and less where a min would have gone.


Our old integrated had approx 50L of freezer space, which was next to useless with the both of us working.

A bonus was that nobody was doing disposal during lockdown so when I removed the old one I managed to sell it for a small amount rather than paying to get rid.

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Funnily enough I have just moved  frozen goods from my old 2 draw freezer (part of old fridge freezer) and put them into the new 3 draw freezer. New freezer is barely any bigger in capacity thanks to it being Frost Free and the increased gubbins that go with it, as well as better insulation of course. Looking forward to getting the Samsung. Should give me around 170 litres of combined freeze capacity. Great for bulky things like bread, which I eat a lot of nowadays, as it's hard to find food on site anymore while I am working outdoors (I used to love fish and chips from next to the footie grounds.  I'm actually quite excite at the thoughts of having separate draws for frozen veg, bread, meat etc. Who said I don't have a life? :D 


A bonus of having the freezer first is I can do a proper defrost for fridge collection, as I don't have to worry about spoiling frozen goods and as it's cold enough outside, I can hang up a bin bag with my fridge contents during the defrost (it will be a big job I fear :blush)

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The weather here has gone above freezing and I have missed the opportunity for a much needed defrost, TBH I was too intimidated by having to get out an axe, hammer & chisel once again and at the thought of what extinct animal species I might find in the permafrost!!!

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I found a steam cleaner excellent for removing large bits of ice as long as you’re not stupid with it. I did try a specialist defrost spray, which was ok but still took a lot of hard work.


Daft question, but does the old one still work? If so there are a lot of people who want a second hand fridge/freezer and you can get 50-100 for a reasonable one.

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It's 20+ years old and I couldn't in all consciousness give it to someone else in case it did something awful. The compressor is a bit noisy these days. Would need a PAT certificate if I sold it. 

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2 hours ago, Lady Elanore said:

Funnily enough I have just moved  frozen goods from my old 2 draw freezer (part of old fridge freezer) and put them into the new 3 draw freezer. New freezer is barely any bigger in capacity thanks to it being Frost Free and the increased gubbins that go with it, as well as better insulation of course. Looking forward to getting the Samsung. Should give me around 170 litres of combined freeze capacity. Great for bulky things like bread, which I eat a lot of nowadays, as it's hard to find food on site anymore while I am working outdoors (I used to love fish and chips from next to the footie grounds.  I'm actually quite excite at the thoughts of having separate draws for frozen veg, bread, meat etc. Who said I don't have a life? :D 


A bonus of having the freezer first is I can do a proper defrost for fridge collection, as I don't have to worry about spoiling frozen goods and as it's cold enough outside, I can hang up a bin bag with my fridge contents during the defrost (it will be a big job I fear :blush)


He he...   With my daughters special medical diet we currently have an american fridge freezer (272L / 138L) plus a standard under counter freezer (90L ish) plus a table top fridge (40L ish)...   And they are still all rammed at times...

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1 hour ago, skomaz said:


He he...   With my daughters special medical diet we currently have an american fridge freezer (272L / 138L) plus a standard under counter freezer (90L ish) plus a table top fridge (40L ish)...   And they are still all rammed at times...



Are those numbers right? Ours is 400 + 207L.


No idea what to do with all that fridge space, but the freezer space is useful as anything.

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10 hours ago, cheezemonkhai said:



Are those numbers right? Ours is 400 + 207L.


No idea what to do with all that fridge space, but the freezer space is useful as anything.


Yeah they are...   Its a slightly narrower one at 775mm wide as its next to the archway to our utility room so we didn't want to block anything.  Plus SWMBO preferred the layout of it so who was I to argue.


Still huge compared to what we used to have though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bit late to the party....


I've had a Samsung fridge and it was fine. Also had a Daewoo American style fridge and it was totally fine too.


Only thing with the Yank type fridges it that they weigh so feckin much.

In my last house I didn't pay for "fitting" as it's a fridge, I can plug it in. Turns out that without "Fitting" they wont lift a 200Kg fridge into your house.

I was lucky the pair that delivered mind were a couple of Glasgow lads who appreciated a bit banter and some biscuit bribary and they lifted it up for me.

When I sold the house I made sure the fridge was sold with it, there was no chance it was getting lifdted out again.


I got mind from Appliances Online. The prices are good but they like to try some sneaky sales on extended warranties after a year.


I don't see the point in guarantees or warranties on fridges or washing machines unless they guarantee next day fixing who is going to last two weeks waiting on them to come out?


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Fridges I agree I wouldn’t pay for one bar the one off £50 to go from 2-5 years.


Washing machine, ours had bearing failure and was replaced like for like. 
Due to lockdown we are massively quids in on that one.


I do generally agreee they’re not worth on most thing and even where is is, only if they fix quickly or replaced at no cost if not repairable.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've had my Samsung fridge/freezer for a couple of weeks now and it's really quite impressive for the money. It's really quiet and makes an interesting noise which is softer in tone than regular compressors :) I have a small digital thermometer which goes down to something like -30C so I can check my fridge is performing ok and although it took the freezer over 10 hours to get down to -18C and the Fridge to around 3C it's held temperature very accurately so far, or at least without much variation in temp.


I like the freezer super boost thing, as it has coped with my batch cooking very well, to bring many litres of soup down from warmer than ideal (for putting in a freezer) to rock solid frozen lump in a few hours. Frost free is of course a boon :) 


The fridge has useful little wheels on the back too, so you can scoot it around the kitchen to its final resting place (not as serious as that sounds :D) 


It does have one shelf in the fridge that slides out, so you can access stuff from the back of it, completely pointless exercise as far as I can see and the door bin for big bottles is possibly a bit too deep as anything smaller than a 1 litre bottle of milk rattles about in it and if you open the door in an over exuberant manner - who hasn't - then things can fall over like standing passengers on a bus that's performing an emergency stop.

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23 hours ago, Lady Elanore said:

I've had my Samsung fridge/freezer for a couple of weeks now and it's really quite impressive for the money. It's really quiet and makes an interesting noise which is softer in tone than regular compressors :) I have a small digital thermometer which goes down to something like -30C so I can check my fridge is performing ok and although it took the freezer over 10 hours to get down to -18C and the Fridge to around 3C it's held temperature very accurately so far, or at least without much variation in temp.


I like the freezer super boost thing, as it has coped with my batch cooking very well, to bring many litres of soup down from warmer than ideal (for putting in a freezer) to rock solid frozen lump in a few hours. Frost free is of course a boon :) 


The fridge has useful little wheels on the back too, so you can scoot it around the kitchen to its final resting place (not as serious as that sounds :D) 


It does have one shelf in the fridge that slides out, so you can access stuff from the back of it, completely pointless exercise as far as I can see and the door bin for big bottles is possibly a bit too deep as anything smaller than a 1 litre bottle of milk rattles about in it and if you open the door in an over exuberant manner - who hasn't - then things can fall over like standing passengers on a bus that's performing an emergency stop.

we double stack the door bins, so you form a zig zag from front to back and left to right.

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