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Samsung fridge freezers....


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21 hours ago, Lady Elanore said:

That works whilst I have enough bottles, but once they are depleted I'm back to a Newtons Cradle of bottles 

Get more milk/cider/beer/wine...


You absolutely don’t drink a lot, you’re just keeping the fridge door right 👍


Other option might be to use some of the high density plastic packing foam the fridge came in to fashion a wedge :)

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On 15/04/2020 at 15:35, mac11irl said:

inherited a samsung american style in our new house..

its big on the fridge side, but freezer isnt hectic, between the (hardly ever used) ice maker and water outlets (the water not being used currently either due to some black fluff stuff appearing in the water last week, after the filter so i reckon a seal breaking down... it can wait until i have time) the freezer loses about 30% of its potential space. cant speak of cost though, as it was here when we moved in, not even sure how old it is. 

Mac- could the black muck have come from the water supply. I and a few other folk in this locality have this problem where we get black gunk coming out of the cold tap, and the inlet drawer of the washer needs a good clean every so often. Water board version is that the culprit is a bug that lives in the water supply (so much for their sterilisation & purification procedures then) and only reacts when it meets air, Their solution is to clean taps with something like Milton.

And as for Samsung, if it's anything like their latest TV sets, there will be a button which does nothing. (Samsung are one of the makers who've decided that although the TV remote is marked teletext, and the e manual says pressing this button will do that , the facility has been withdrawn)

Edited by VWD
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