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Query on servicing

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Hi all, 


So I pick up my Octy tomorrow. A 2006 1.9 TDI 105.


Given that I've paid just over a grand for it, and I'm looking for this to be a cheap car to smoke about it (I do 20-30k miles per year)  - I want to undertake at least the minor services myself. 


My previous method had always been to lift the car and drain the oil - but I'm seeing more people using the oil extractor pumps. Has anyone experienced any downside to using these (aside from maybe not getting the last dregs of the old oil out...)


Also, I think I already know what the overwhelming majority will say - but - what's the consensus on LongLife Servicing vs 10k/12mths given that I do a lot of motorway miles? I might point out that the car has 130k on the clock at the moment and seems to have been serviced every year by the old chap who had it previously.


Thanks all! 

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For the first Oil Change i would suck out the oil and then remove the drain plug and see what like the dregs are if any.

Or just drain the oil and change the plug.


After that a pump each time and leave the sump plug.


20 - 30,000 miles a year then no point changing the oil every 9,400 miles, just leave it to 18,000 or whatever.

That is not long life servicing, just longer period Oil Services.


Services still need doing as and when to keep things all good and inspected, if that is every 18,000 miles checking and MOT time doing more than maybe that will suit.

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