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Comprehensive car check when warranty as about to expire


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Hey everyone,


My Superb mk3 warranty expires in 4 months and I'm thinking about having a comprehensive car check (well, mostly transmission & engine). Just to make sure there are no things about to break soon, for example when suspension arms got loose or some engine/turbine issues. 

Has anyone done similar ? (and what was the dealer/price?)



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You could put your car into a MOT test centre 1 month before the MOT is due and not use a Main Dealer and get a MOT and maybe advisories if there is cause for any.


A Skoda Dealership is the last people i would use to get a pre Warranty Expiring Health check.

I know of people having one done after buying a used car and getting a clean bill of health then buying a Skoda Warranty only to have that knocked back after making valid claims on engine or DSG.


Get your car serviced maybe at a dealership pre Warranty Expiry and any Warranty Work that there might be required from having had the MOT or a check by an Independent.


A Skoda Dealership Technician is hardly going to tell you that your engine or gearbox sounds gubbed and it is on it's way out, 

unless maybe it is Darren Brown or Uri Geller.

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