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How to find a suitable car battery for my vehicle

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For four years that I worked abroad, my car was just parked in our garage. Now that I'm now home, I tried to drive it again yesterday, but it won't power up. According to my cousin, who is a mechanic, the battery is dead due to long non-usage and extreme weather conditions it endured. So we've decided to buy a new one, and we did some car battery comparison online starting with this website. Still, I would appreciate some additional tips on how I can find the right battery for my vehicle. TIA.


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Welcome to the forum.

Using the cars registration number with a Motor Factor, Parts Supplier etc usually will help, but you have done that.

Saying what car, age, engine you have on here might have someone help with what battery you need, and help a mod move your post to the relevant section.


Looking at the battery on the car now and taking note of the numbers will help.

Sending a picture of the battery to your cousin might have helped if they never looked at the car.

Edited by Roottoot
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