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Krytox sunroof Lubrication


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Hello Folks,


After my recent adventures with a leaking panoramic roof which is now *touch wood* fixed, i am quite determined to keep on top of maintaining it.


I am aware that VW specify two particular specialist lubricants for the job - an oil based one for the actual rubber seals and then a paste based one for the actual metal runners and rails of the roof.

From my research it seems that VW's specific lubricants are in fact Krytox GPL-105 (the oil) and Krytox GPL-205 (the paste) - both of which are fairly expensive. My understanding is that they are both chemically the same however the oil is less concentrated and 'watered down' into liquid form.

As such, to save myself a bit of money i was thinking of trying to source some of the Krytox GPL-205 paste and use it for both the rubber seals and the metal to metal components, i was just wondering if anyone had any experience of using it on the rubber seals and whether it was just as suited to the job as the oil -- it just seems a bit silly to buy two expensive lots of what im informed is chemically the same stuff?


Thanks guys

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