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Bluetooth transmitter


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Is anyone using a bluetooth transmitter with their Av processor by any chance, that they would highly recommend. I have always used a lead to make sure i don't wake the house up at silly o'clock, as i was concerned about the bluetooth connection failing, but I'm getting sick replacing jack leads for dropping out one of the channels anyway.

Had thought of something like the Sennheiser BT100 or similar. 

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A bit late to this post :D but I use Bluetooth transmitters a lot at work. I'd recommend (assuming you haven't got around to buying one already) buying a class 1 Tx which supports APTX LL (Low Latency) APTX is a great for quality and if your Rx device supports LL as well, then you get less than 40ms delay in the transmitted sound so you can watch tv without any major sync issues with audio.


Class 1 Tx isn't so important but it does give a greatly enhanced broadcast range if you have appropriate receiving gear. As the headphones/earbuds have to 'handshake' with the Tx device, they will also need to be class 1 to get the best of the potentially enhance range. Most Bluetooth devices are class 2 which is fine for line of sight and the latest Bluetooth 5 spec improves stability a little bit.


Currently, I mainly use an Aventree class1 Tx device which supports APTX LL/HD along with other codecs etc. I listen on either an appropriate pair of headphones or use Mee in-ear buds which have a Bluetooth adapter that fits directly to the buds and gives me LL capabilities. You can also buy cheap little hockey puck looking devices that are APTX LL/HD and you can then plug your headphone/earbuds into.  


Aventree Tx/Rx class 1 APTX LL/HD - that also has fibre optic i/p  https://www.amazon.co.uk/Avantree-Bluetooth-Transmitter-Receiver-Wireless-Black/dp/B07BQYYDNJ/ref=sr_1_8?dchild=1&keywords=avantree+tx&qid=1607436366&sr=8-8


Mee Bluetooth 5 APTX LL earbud adapter (these are for Mee earbuds but other similar models are available for different manufacturers earbuds)  https://www.amazon.co.uk/MEE-Bluetooth-Wireless-adapter-monitors/dp/B07TN2HJYH/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=mee+bluetooth+adapter&qid=1607436701&sr=8-4


Here is a handy APTX guide to what is available. If you don't need LL or Class 1 range, I'd still recommend going for APTX devices for the improved quality available with their various codecs. https://www.aptx.com/product-listing

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Just looking through available products and I see the Sennheiser HD450s look good value as they are Bluetooth 5, Class 1 (12.5mw tx power so reasonable) and has the APTX codecs onboard. I'm now thinking of buying them myself 







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Wow, what a response. Thank you. I’ll get a read at the links later tonight when I’ve my homework’s done and the dinner sorted. 
I had looked at some of the Anentree units as they were highly recommended on the AV forum. 
I’m using my B&O H9’s at the minute with a QED jack to jack, as I just couldn’t make my mind up on transmitters, and I didn’t want to risk disturbing anyone, as I can’t just keep relying on my Kevlar pyjamas to keep me safe when I do turn in for the night. 

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I've just bought the Senny 450BTs on Amazon :D Got a job I can use them on coming up soon :) 



I have a pair of Aventree Headphones that are class 1 and APTX LL (now discontinued by Aventree I think) that I use quite a bit as they are fine for speech, and also a pair of Senny 4.5s but they don't support LL or Class 1. My home cans are Bose QCs but although light and reasonable sounding, they don't support APTX and are class 2. My work cans when using wired headphones are Senny HD25s, which are rugged and easy to get replacement bits for. I also have various earbuds too. I get through a lot of headphones :D 

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24 minutes ago, UndertheRadar said:

I’m using my B&O H9’s at the minute with a QED jack to jack, as I just couldn’t make my mind up on transmitters, and I didn’t want to risk disturbing anyone, as I can’t just keep relying on my Kevlar pyjamas to keep me safe when I do turn in for the night. 



Btw your B&Os support APTX (as you probably already know) and are a very, very, very nice pair of cans :) (which you will definitely know) 


They are Bluetooth 4.2 which won't be a problem at all in your house if you are using a decent Bluetooth Tx'er 

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6 hours ago, Lady Elanore said:



Btw your B&Os support APTX (as you probably already know) and are a very, very, very nice pair of cans :) (which you will definitely know) 


They are Bluetooth 4.2 which won't be a problem at all in your house if you are using a decent Bluetooth Tx'er 

They have a really nice sound to them. Very natural with most music I listen to. The clarity from artists like Lana del Rey or Florence is intense sometimes. 
only mistake I made when buying them a few years ago, was taking them in Natural colour. It doesn’t age well!!

Thinking of changing them for similar but newer and in black this time. Just not sure yet what to look at as an upgrade. 
ive ordered the Aventree transmitter, so hopefully be with me in a few days. 

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I'll be interested to see what you think. Make sure you disable the voice alerts on the Tx/Rx as it might speak when your cans pair every time! I couldn't justify a set of really expensive headphones for work, as they'd be bust inside a year probably :(

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No sign of the transmitter as yet. I’ll let you know when it’s here and set up. Postage not magic for obvious reasons. 
But I did get my headphones updated to the newest version. I know the Bose and even the Sony have better spec sheets but I just like the comfort and the sound from these. 


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The Bose QCs are incredibly comfortable, imho I'd say of the dozens of different headphones I've worn over the years, they are the most comfy. Their noise-cancelling tech is excellent, but the sound quality is only decent. I've got my new Senny 450s and after a tweak on my phones audio test and correction software (it's basically plays various frequencies and levels to your cans and determines the deficiencies of your ears/cans/or the combination of both) I'd say the massively cheaper Senny's sound slightly better overall, even though the noise-cancelling can't hold a candle to the Bose.


One thing of note though, is the passive noise-cancelling afforded by the ear cups and their rather firm grip they have on your head, offer excellent noise rejection just by wearing them. 

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1 hour ago, Lady Elanore said:

The Bose QCs are incredibly comfortable, imho I'd say of the dozens of different headphones I've worn over the years, they are the most comfy.

SWMBO and I both have Bose QC headphones that we use when on flights to/from the US visiting family. The noise cancellation is good enough for SWMBO to even get to sleep on the return flight - something she has never done before having the Bose QCs.

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I sometimes use the Bose when I'm in a noisy hotel (when did people start to forget the good manners of being QUIET! when walking about in the corridors and turning the tvs DOWN! in their bedrooms?????) and just switch the cans on without connecting them to anything. The noise-cancelling lasts about 2 hours before auto shut down through lack of signal occurs. There is the usual low level hiss from the noise-cancelling circuitry, but that's pretty normal and unobtrusive. 

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