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Please recommend a good resource for learning about electric motors


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No, I've not suddenly had a volte-face and become an EVangelist, I just want to know more about how the dozens of electric motors in my petrol cars work, and preferably about how and why they stop working.  


Anyone work or teach in that area and know of a good resource for learning? Book would probably be my first choice, but online also fine. 


Details like why there are wirewound inductors in series with commutator brushes; what precautions need to be taken when choosing power sources, relays and so forth; whether slip-ring tarnishing can stop an alternator working out of the blue in an underused car etc.


I feel I just haven't enough of a clue, and would like to rectify that.  I'm not averse to learning about the latest developments but it's a more basic foundation I'm after.


Thanks to anyone that can refer me in a good direction. :)


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