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1.2 TSI chain tensioner replacement


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On cold starts on my 1.2 tsi I have recently noticed a chain rattle that last up to 2 seconds(this wasn't the case so far). If I leave the car running for 30 sec, turn off the car and start the car again the noise doesn't come back.

So, I think that is due to faulty chain tensioner....

My initial thought was first to change the tensioner and then if it doesn't help to check the chain for stretching...

Can the chain tensioner be replaced without special tools or oil drainage? Is it as simple as unscrewing the old part and screwing in the new one?


Thank you!

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I also have this problem on my Skoda Rapid with 1.2 TSI CBZA engine. I went throught the repair manual and I haven't noticed anything that would say or indicate that it can't be just removed and new one installed. But then again I'm not experienced with this. Though I have seen some others say that they have just replaced it with a new one. Some have also recommended using timing tools to make sure that everything stays in the right place.

I even tried on mine but there are hoses in the way which makes it bit difficult to remove and it was so tight that I could not even get it to budge. And I put quite a lot of force on it as my breaker bar was actually flexing. Was afraid something was going to break so I never got around to changing it.

Head size on the chain tensioner is 27mm and it has to be tightened to 60nm.  Also there are atleast couple of different chain tensioners so you have to make sure to get the correct one, unless they are compatible with each other? Supposedly the 03F 109 507 F is the latest one.


Also this rattling on cold starts could be caused by the oil filter not sealing properly and letting oil drain back after car has been sitting for a while. Apparantly another common issue with these engines.

Edited by Koreenium
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Spoke with independent vw mechanic. He is well aware that these problems and that they can be caused by faulty installed oil filters. Just to clarify, last oil change was 3 months ago and the service was made in a another independent garage which is not a vw specialist. So there is a strong possibility that the oil filter is the cause. Since the last oil change the car made around 2-2,5k km and the problem with cold start chain rattles was first noticed few days ago ( I haven't driven the car much in the last few months because of the COVID-19 situation). I have also mentioned that to my independent vw mechanic and he said that the rattles don't have to occur right after the oil and filter change... They can but not in all cases...

We agreed that we will check/change the oil filter and also change the tensioner... If that doesn't help, we'll have to change the whole chain set.

I'll report after service...

P.S. the car is 1.2 tsi, CBZB with 75k km, oil services so far every 5-7k km to provide sufficient lubrication to the chain. Recently the car was updated with Revo stage 1 map. But the car made only 500 km(most of that was normal driving) on that map so I seriously doubt that that had any impact on the chain stretching issue.

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The issue with the filter can be when negligent people fail to remove the bottom seal off the oil filter they remove. The seal remains in the filter housing then ends up with another seal squashed on top of it. This restricts the oil pressure through the housing then the rest of the engine as a result.


Pop the oil filter off and have a look. Just make sure you put a rag under the filter housing so it doesn't spill oil everywhere.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So my mechanic changed the tensioner and we also removed the mahle oil filter for the OEM filter.

I would say that the rattle is not completely gone but it is less noticeable and less often.  Before we changed the tensioner the rattle was noticeable on cold starts, but now I can hear some kind of a metallic sound rather than the rattle...


Also when I rev the engine up to 3k rpm and let go the gas pedal between 2,5-2k a metallic sound appears and then goes away....

That must be the chain, not the wastegate actuator? Right? 


The tensioner can be replaced without special tools and no oil drainage is needed. The tensioner must be tightened to 60 Nm.

We used the latest revision of the tensioner - 03F 109 507 F


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  • 1 month later...

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