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Harry's Garage vids.


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Harry's Farm but car related, and the New Defender review can go in that thread when available.


A very nice road trip to see his old Defender..... *** £365,500 including buyers premium! ***






Edited by e-Roottoot
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  • 4 weeks later...

Harry has become a firm favourite for me. Harry, Steve Sutcliffe (probably my favourite road tester) and Chris Harris are a class above the rest in my book. Harris is a slightly younger version of Steve Sutcliffe, but I don't think there is anyone comparable to Harry. He doesn't just spout the press junket, he is first and foremost a car fan and gives snippet of info that are fascinating. His depth of knowledge is astounding. Perhaps it's a voice thing? I do like a man with a calm voice, rather than the usual histrionics that car reviewers have these days and that ruddy forced laughter they all eschew!!!! Don't get me started Mat Watson (I do like the Car Wow 'stick of truth' however) 

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is in a similar vein. I have no ability in anything remotely like this and marvel at these men's skill and beautiful work. It's one of the reasons that I will miss Ant Anstead from wheeler Dealers, I have discovered, rather late in life, that I love watching men fettle bodywork!! Who knew?  :D  (waits for innuendo posts to follow...  :tongueout:





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  • 3 weeks later...

Harry knows what he is talking about ,which is more than many other BMW fans..

Edited by vrskeith
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Aaagh, you have sent me down another series of rabbit holes!


But I thank you, the vids were very enjoyable and its now a stunning vehicle, for decades the rare glimpses we have seen of these have been pug filled rebuilds and I had forgotten how sharp the lines once were, of course back in the day I wasn't looking at details like that.

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