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Jump start boosters (NoCo etc).


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Have ordered one of these from  a company in the UK that does solar charging equipment.  They're called MSC and they do two booster boxes, one called Overland and one called Overland Plus. I've ordered the Plus one and it's on back order (two or three weeks apparently). I believe Auto Express favoured them if I recall correctly. They can charge phones and stuff and you can get a flexi LED light for them (which I did) and you can plug in a 12 volt ciggie lighter socket.


Only got one as a "get me out of trouble" measure. Have managed without one for the past fifty odd years but there have been times when one would have been useful. Have already got a newish smart type charger (A £20 Maypole one which seems to work fine) and my car's battery (s) are newish. It's possible I'll go to my grave without ever using it, but, hey ho.


Spent quite a while looking online and by far the majority of information comes from USA. Everything is made in China and the main make that seems vaguely available over the counter in the UK is the NoCo range in Halfords.

They've crept up in price in recent months and the one that seems the most dependable (GB70) is £200 plus the hard case if you want one (for £200 I would have thought they'd given you the case).  And NoCo don't seem exempt from people complaining they're overpriced and prone to failure after a few months and that their customer service (which doesn't exist in the UK) is poor.  On the other hand, they seem the most popular and frequently referred to brand available here and, on the face of it, would seem the one to get - but I still went with the MSC as they have a UK supplier who is actually available on the phone and seemed helpful when we spoke.


Would be interested to know if anyone has had experience with these things.



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