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Virtual Cockpit Instrument Cluster

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I have a new Octavia SE Technology. Interested to hear from anyone who has had a problem with the instrument cluster not dimming at night time. The manual says that the brightness will be adjusted automatically however it stays bright the whole time and at night it is excessively bright! There is a slider to adjust the brightness which does nothing. 

Any comments would be much appreciated

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Let's be clear about this, I know nothing but like you, I've had my car a very short time (two weeks in my case) and I've yet to drive my car in the dark but what I can add to this thread is that my car has already been back to the dealers to have three software updates which 'should' have been applided to the car before I recieved it. In total it's bee nin the dealers three days out of thise two weeks but it has been inproved over the car that I recieved.

As the other reply said, I'd call the dealer to see if anything has been missed. For me, I think I'd better drive my car in the dark to see if I have a similar issue.

It's 2021. For the life of me I can't understand why the car can't update itself 'over the air'. I know my primary car can.

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9 hours ago, Bouncypete said:

It's 2021. For the life of me I can't understand why the car can't update itself 'over the air'. I know my primary car can.

Love to know what your 'primary car' is?

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So, the technicians couldn't find the fault. They've contacted the techies in Czec Republic who advised to have a new unit installed! Hopefully a cute is on the way!

Was meant to be "cure"!!

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On 18/05/2021 at 08:01, PetrolDave said:

Love to know what your 'primary car' is?

It's actually the cheapest Tesla they make. A Car that most people think costs more than it actually does but it costs less than an Octavia VRs 1.4 estate. And that's BEFORE you add any extras, even paint colour.

Anyway, when I made that coment I thought the VW ID3 was capable of OTA updates and that car appears to share the same infotainment system with another car in the VAG group, the SEAT Leon, hence I 'thought' that OTA updates were now common throughout the VAG group. I've since learnt that's not the case at all.

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