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Roomster scout boot micro switch


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Hello all I've just purchased a 2008 roomster scout 2 but I can't get in the boot unless I open from inside, the micro switch doesn't work so how do I get access to replace it with a new one thanks Shane 


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It could be due to a cracked / broken cable in the rubber conduit going from body to the rear door,  quite a few Roomsters had this over the years.

Various tailgate functions affected, e.g. 3rd brake light, central locking, heater. Mine lost 3rd brake light, easily fixed by reconnecting and reinsulating the cable.


Edited by dieselV6
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21 hours ago, Corsaboy63 said:

Hello all I've just purchased a 2008 roomster scout 2 but I can't get in the boot unless I open from inside, the micro switch doesn't work so how do I get access to replace it with a new one thanks Shane 



I had this problem with my 2007 Roomie Scout - there is a section in the handbook which describes how to open the tailgate can be open from the inside. 


Have a look at this post as see whether you can use any of the info 


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