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Is the one litre worth considering?

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The 1 litre tsi is a very good engine, works best with the 7 speed DSG


Without knowing how you will use the car, the engine should be sufficient.  

However if you regularly carry lots of stuff, and carry lots of people, or live in a very hilly area then probably want to choose a bigger engine.  

If you encounter lots of start-stop or rush hour traffic, then you will probably find a manual gearbox hard work, as the engine doesn’t pull that well below about 1500 revs (but whatever gearbox you pick, will find it pulls much better on super unleaded)


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22 hours ago, mjwman said:

I have a 1.5 Leon on lease now but will buy an Octavia when lease ends in April.

I am looking at 1.5s but is a one litre up to it and worth considering?


Difficult answer.


I've recently returned a Mk3 1.0 TSI lease car and I was REALLY impressed with it. It had a suprising amount of torque for such a little engine and was very quiet and smooth on the motorway. Despite being a big car it was never the slowest car on the road and if i just engaged adaptive cruise control it would just keep up to the car in front without needing me to change gear everytime we came to a hill.


However, I have just rejected the MkiV 1.0 TSI I repaced it with. Whilst this was mainly due to repeated software glitches with the cars systems. At delivery the MkiV engine wasn't a patch on the Mk3 and even after a software or mapping update I do'nt think the newer version was as tractable as the old one.


That car was a pre-registered First Edition so maybe later build cars are better. But long term I just could not live with having to reboot the infotainment every couple of days to get past 'loading driver profile' so I could change radio station or the cabin temperature.

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