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Cruise control not working

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Hi All.  First post here after reading the forum for a few months since getting my Octavia SE First Edition.  Great car but as it seems most people on here already know, its let down by software issues.  
Mine went into Skoda on Friday for another update.  This seems to have fixed all the issues I was having but on Saturday I noticed I can no longer activate cruise control, its stuck on the speed limiter.  I can see the option in the Assist systems menu, I'm just unable select it.  Am I being thick?  It was working prior to Friday and yes, the switch is on :-) 



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I seem to recall similar posts a couple of weeks ago or so, think the software update somehow removed the ACC function and it had to be reloaded by the dealer!  Just had a search and can't find the thread at the moment, sorry, you might have more luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update on my car..... Cruise control sorted this morning.  Unlocked the car after it has been setting on the drive for a few hours and now the alarm will not stop sounding, only fix was to disconnect the battery and wait for the AA. 


It seems they cannot fix one thing and screw something else up.  Not happy.

  • Groan 1
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