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Climatronic - feature or fault?

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My Octavia L&K has "climatronic dual zone" air conditioning/heater which seems to work very well in keeping me cool and my wife hot(!) However every time I switch off the engine the passenger side temperature resets itself to the same as the driver's side, so that every time my wife gets in the car she has to twiddle the **** again to set the temperature she wants. This happens regardless of whether the system is in AUTO mode or not.

Is this a 'feature' of the system or a fault? :confused:

P.S. The 4 asterisks are a word that begins with a silent 'K' and rhymes with blob. For some reason the forum will not display that word!!! :)

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A feature of the car, not a fault. Could almost certainly be changed by someone with Vag-Com knowledge although it's not much hardship to turn a k n o b is it?.

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Why is kn0b censored? :-)

political correctness gone mad - if it were a bl*ck kn*b you would have to describe it as an "opposite of white" kn*b

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Hello everybody,

Only few weeks ago I have purchased New Octavia (2.0 FSI) estate.

I enjoy driving it, however, i have some problems with understanding the ventilation/climatisation system operation.

I did try to refer to manual, but it does not answer my questions and doubts.

Few more intreaging effects/problems are following:

  • with the Climatronic system off, when adjusting the ventilator speed I find the position, at which the AUTO control light starts to be on; this is usually around the intermediate positions of vent speed - why is that?
  • pushing both AUTO and ECON knobs results in both controls on; how this can be? which of the two prevalis - AUTO or ECON?
  • the knobs engaging the options of ventilation at the dashboard (like e.g.: air flow 'floor' or air flow 'face', ...) can be all activated at the same time; I do not see difference in the air flow between each individual positions and all off or all on - what is the logic of this system?

I would appreciate some explanations from the Climatronic experimenced users.

Regards to all,

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  • pushing both AUTO and ECON knobs results in both controls on; how this can be? which of the two prevalis - AUTO or ECON?

Auto controls the interior temperature with air con at it's disposal

Econ controls the interior templerature with outside air temperature only, i.e. it can only reduce the temperature to what it is outside.


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To Tim,

This is understandable, but how these two (contradictory in modus operadni) systems can be engaged at the same time?

To me - they cannot.

If so - only one of them can be working at the given moment!

This is why I try to establish - which of the two prevails in such situation (as both of them cannot have control over the air condition system).

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It isn't quite as contradictory as it seems, though it does seem over complicated. The econ works like auto in that it uses the "heater" and the cool outside air to maintain what temp you have set, when the auto is on. If the auto is off [but econ on] it is working more like an ordinary heater. Well mine does anyway. But any time econ is on [with auto or not] it can't get you below the outside air temperature [it is called "econ" I suppose because when you cool below outside air temp, like aircon does, it uses more fuel.]

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I suppose a better way of describing auto/econ is:

Auto - Regulate temperature automatically

Econ - Don't use air conditioner to cool air

Then they don't contradict each other


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... any time econ is on [with auto or not'] it can't get you below the outside air temperature

If this is your observation - then the ECON overrides the AUTO mode and this would answer one of my questions!

How about the others?

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Hope this is of some use

[*]with the Climatronic system off' date=' when adjusting the ventilator speed I find the position, at which the AUTO control light starts to be on; this is usually around the intermediate positions of vent speed - why is that?[/quote']

- The AUTO light will come on if you manually turn the speed to the position where AUTO would have it set. Therefore it won't always come on at the same vent speed, and it should only ever come on for one position at a time - that's my understanding. I assume that if you turn it manually to the position where the AUTO light comes on then AUTO will override the setting if it chooses - never tested that.

[*]the knobs engaging the options of ventilation at the dashboard (like e.g.: air flow 'floor' or air flow 'face'' date=' ...) can be all activated at the same time; I do not see difference in the air flow between each individual positions and all off or all on - what is the logic of this system?[/quote']

The idea here is that you can choose exactly where you want your air to go. So if you have them all on, it will come out of all the vents, or just the vents you've selected. It's no different to the various settings on a manual controller, except that instead of having a distinct position for "on the screen and at my feet", you'd just select screen and feet. I've never tried 'all off' - I tend to just leave it in AUTO mode all the time

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I've noticed that if you put it on auto with a very low temp setting, and so get a very fast fan [making a lot of noise], if you turn the fan down manually the auto light goes off. So you are getting a sort of ordinary air con at that point, if what you set on the kn ob is below outside air temperature.

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The idea here is that you can choose exactly where you want your air to go. So if you have them all on' date=' it will come out of all the vents, or just the vents you've selected. It's no different to the various settings on a manual controller, except that instead of having a distinct position for "on the screen and at my feet", you'd just select screen and feet. I've never tried 'all off' - I tend to just leave it in AUTO mode all the time[/i']

The problem is, that I do not find SIGNIFICANT changes in the flow when switching different vent options.

In the "old school" type of systems, if you e.g. had switched "vent the floor", there would be pracitcally no flow to the face and windsreen.

With the flaps system one could control the proportions pretty close to the wishes.

Here, there seem to be a only minor changes.

It looks like the systems tries to be more clever than I want it to be ...

... have to find my ways to fulfill my wishes!

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Anyone notice this noise from their Climate ?


I got it to happen by turning on and off the climate fan. I turned it ON then OFF then ON then OFF (just so you know what your listening to

From this thread,


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I think that it is something to do with the solenoid/motor operated flaps and temperature control adjusting intially as you turn the claimte control on.

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I think that it is something to do with the solenoid/motor operated flaps and temperature control adjusting intially as you turn the claimte control on.

So is yours also making the noise ? One of the other guys said his does it. I had BPM over Friday night, and do you think I could get it to make the noise...typical.

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Yes, but only sometimes, dependant upon the prevailing conditions. I believe that the system is not only temp. sensitive but also humidity inside the car is taken into account.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Perhaps is too late to come back to this discussion, but I believe I know how Climatronics works.

I did perform many experiments in different weather conditions and this is what came out of it.

"Auto" is controlling the fun speed only.

This means that when it is on - the fun sets automatically to get the ultimate temeperature under the comfortable conditions (neither too small, nor to high air blow).

Another words, "AUTO" has nothing (in my opninion) to do with cooler!

Whenever the "ECON" is not on - the cooler starts working.

In the intermediate temperature differences (between the set and ambient temperatures), the air is cooled and sometimes some warm air is added not to get too low temperatures inside. This results in drying the incoming air, without really coolling the temperature inside the vehicle.

When the "ECON" is on, coolling is blocked, and as mentioned above - the temperature inside cannot reach anything below the ambient one.

I hope this concludes the problem.

All the best to all !!!

If the temperature

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