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Amundsen Mib2 Map Updates 2023/2024

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Well done MartiniB I'd been busy looking for the mib2 high one thinking that it would come out before the standard, normal form. Normally they do it at the end of the week and go home.

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2 hours ago, del68 said:



Seems your caps lock key is stuck?


The first posts states the maps are from 2022.05.24 but VW class them as 2023/2024. They are, at time of reply, the latest maps available for these headunits 👍

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Yes VAG changed the referencing of the files between mib2 standard and mib2 high a few years back which wasn't helpful. The November release was called the year ahead, like 2023 whilst the June release they would call on a split year, 2022/2023 teasing you with that. Then they screwed up the naming convention. Old name would be 2023 for November 2022. Makes Googling tricky looking for new releases. I stick to serial release number when describing the files so if you see the release number higher than yours it's newer, hence these are the newest 😉.


Common release across VAG brand but not commonly released at the same time. Skoda and Seat drag their feat so the VW brand feels more special 🤣.  Probably a resource thing with Seat whilst Skoda hold back the release since they may be told to. Causes confusion since the files wrapped up in their web pages are different to the best available which MartiniB publishes here which can be used.

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50 minutes ago, del68 said:

wil there be a Columbus Map Update 2023-2024 release for the vw  (MIB1/2 HIGH) , the   Amundsen Mib2 Map Updates 2023/2024 when i download then its say 2022-2023 


we have got it up on this thread - see todays posts... I'm sure MartiniB will give it a proper thread soon:



The direct link to the file is this




By searching under that Google you can test who has also found it and when 🤣. I've loaded it up on my Seat Mib2 High otherwise called a Seat Plus, Skoda call them Columbus.... all fine. It's the 2023 release which comes out in November. It just went a leap in reference ID for reasons unknown. Vag messed up the reference naming a few years back. That one above is bang up to date. Release 310.


Breaking news.... has it's own thread now:


Edited by Tell
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  • 2 weeks later...

# ECE 1 2023/24  6.9 Gb

 VW portal:   https://vw-maps-cdn.lighthouselabs.eu/vw-maps/DiscoverMedia2_EU1_2010_V17.7z

 VW portal:   https://navigation-maps.volkswagen.com/vw-maps/DiscoverMedia2_EU1_2010_V17.7z

Files inside:    2022.05.24
Downloadable:    2022.11.03
Published:    2022.--.--
 Škoda portal:   https://infotainment-cdn.skoda-auto.com/base/maps/STD2_2010_EU1_202245.zip
Files inside:      2022.05.24
Downloadable:  2022.11.03
Published:    2022.--.--


Sorry but the Skoda link doesn't work. 


I used:  https://updateportal.skoda-auto.com/en-GB/Updates/


Cheers. John.

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46 minutes ago, BionicJohn said:


Sorry but the Skoda link doesn't work. 


I used:  https://updateportal.skoda-auto.com/en-GB/Updates/


Cheers. John.

Answer.... don't use the Skoda use the VW link it's all the same software files. The portal is probable the old release.... the ones wrapped up in a web page are always older at first than the direct links. Generally 6 months. That's 1910 on the portal link. 2010 on MartiniBs.


Moral don't use the portal links. It's always like this. I'd agree the direct Skoda like for 2010 EU1 isn't working but VW is.

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I had that in a Seat without problems apart from an extra process you have to do. Everybody goes to the VW with Seat and Skoda. It's the EC1 we got on ours from this release but casual Seat readers should not do this without the overall.nds file workaround - Google it. Doesn't apply to Skoda or VW.... mapcare thingy which you have avoids doing that for Skodas.


You unzip and put in the top directory on the map card, obviously. Top directory Map... deposit the whole lot on the card.


Normal warnings about deleting what is on the card with delete and not reformat. If you have reformatted put back 4096. Some people have killed their cards in the past by reformatting them. Previous years conversations.


If it's a 16GB card you must use the regions. If a 32GB card use all Europe and as said must have the VAG label on it won't work on an ordinary SD card.


If Mac use Keka to unzip and CleanMyDrive on the SD card after the copy. Seem less issues with people not using CleanMyDrive but Mib2 High big issues. The garbage Mac's leave behind will stop Mib2 High in it's tracks, the Mib2 standard which you have not so many reports but still not a good idea not to use CleanMyDrive.

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2 hours ago, BionicJohn said:

Maybe I did something wrong but the VW download wasn't recognised by my Amundsen. 

You do realize what you said


"Maybe I did something wrong but the VW download wasn't recognised by my Amundsen. "


I answered it as an Amundsen question. You are on the wrong thread so the files above won't work 😍. Sorted that out.


Question should have been here but same applies and you use the Amundsen EC1 (aka Mib2 standard) link MartiniB has provided rather than portal.



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12 minutes ago, BionicJohn said:

Many thanks.


All is now well having used the map downloaded from the Skoda update site.

It isn't the most recent thou, release "2010" is. When I checked your update portal link last night it was 1910. So you can still get on the November 2022 release ahead of Skoda making it available by using the VW links MartiniB provided above. Skoda portal runs about 6 months behind. It's to make VW owners feel special or something like that. They slipped back 6 months or so when there was a production delay and never caught up from memory. VW did, but Skoda didn't so they lag six months in putting them up on the website although they can be in their server library which MartiniB puts up. They are like new books in a library waiting to get their stamp page put in 😉.  The old days.

Edited by Tell
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5 minutes ago, BionicJohn said:

This is what I downloaded.


I'm not at my PC so can't examine the files more closely.


Although it shows that it's currently giving this file as the download:




Previous release.


Open it up







As opposed to MartiniB's link




Put another way they are linking to the old stuff. Use MartiniB's VW link

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1 minute ago, BionicJohn said:

Thank you   When I get home next week, I try that.


Yes they are running to their 6 month behind VW release. It is confusing but it is what they do. It all happened when a six month release got scuppered by VAG. VW put the next release out to schedule, Skoda didn't so they slipped six months back. It has stayed like that. I quip that it's to make VW customers feel special but it's based on the processing failure that VAG had with their map files a few years back and Skoda never caught up.... may be to make VW customers feel special. 🤣

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2 hours ago, MartiniB said:

Škoda's server contains also EU1 2023/24, for some reason no other files

it's gone



Ah well those in the know, know that the map files are identical across the VAG brands.... you can needlessly wait till it's wrapped in the brand website or take the one off the server waiting to be wrapped in a brand's webpage but containing a bit for bit identical file. As we know it reads the part number generated from the units brand firmware release to allocate the brand identity on the map information screen as per the dbinfo files above. :heart:  eg. all the same file released across the brands.

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Hello, how to update on my skoda octavia 2018 files for maps:
what i have done:
1. download according my vin the map from https://updateportal.skoda-auto.com/en-US/Updates/ the file was ECE A1 2023 - aroung 16 GB
2. bought new SDHC class 10 - 32 GB
3. Format the SD cart in fat32
4. Unzip file in folder and than copy the files to the SD card 
5. remove the old one from navigation and put the new one.

but .. nothing happens  

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