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Online Service Record


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Hi, I haverecently purchased a 2016 Superb, that was advertised as having "a full service history". However, I only have its recent history. The seller explained that now it's all online. How can I access it? ( sorry to sound dumb, but I've never this with any previous cars.)

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  • 1 month later...

I know this post is a bit old but as my experience and question is relevant and the answers may help the original poster I thought I would add it on to this thread. I was in the same position with my recent purchase. I'm a bit old fashioned and would prefer a service book, particularly as it would normally contain more info (not always the case but normally). After I took ownership of the car I popped into my nearest Skoda dealership to ask for the vehicles service history but they stated they could only supply the date, mileage and what type of service was carried out. Ideally it would have useful to know whether any additional work was completed at the same time that is outside of the remit of the service itself Eg filter changes or brake fluid service etc but apparently this information isn't available. I'm not entirely sure whether it's not available to me as the new owner or not accessible to any dealership other than the one that completed the service?


As I am also new to this method of recording a service history I made some enquiries with Skoda UK to find out how a digital service history is meant to work and whether there is a process for handing said service history over to a new owner. For some reason they wouldn't answer that question and just said that I am only entitled to the information that I currently have. Bit of an odd reply but I'm clearly not going to get any further with them.


If anyone has any advice or information on what they do or expect with regards to a digital service history changing hands to a new owner I would be grateful. When I eventually sell my car a full service history is an obvious selling point. 


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Hi, yes I’ve had the same problem. I called in a local VW garage ( not a main agent) and by chance, they had done the second of these services, so very kindly printed off a copy for me. 
He could confirm that it had a previous service at the Skoda main dealers, and suggested I might be able to call in at that garage to print it off. As it’s a way away, I haven’t done that yet, but will do one day.. Keneddy 

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8 minutes ago, keneddy said:

Hi, yes I’ve had the same problem. I called in a local VW garage ( not a main agent) and by chance, they had done the second of these services, so very kindly printed off a copy for me. 
He could confirm that it had a previous service at the Skoda main dealers, and suggested I might be able to call in at that garage to print it off. As it’s a way away, I haven’t done that yet, but will do one day.. Keneddy 

Can I ask what information you were given? Was it just the date, mileage and type of service or where there any additional details? Thanks

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What is put on the system certainly should be available. You can only get what does get put on the system obviously.

It relates to the car and the safety of the vehicle and since the Service books stopped over a decade there are Dealers that seem to think they are the Skoda Secret Service.







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26 minutes ago, toot said:

What is put on the system certainly should be available. You can only get what does get put on the system obviously.

It relates to the car and the safety of the vehicle and since the Service books stopped over a decade there are Dealers that seem to think they are the Skoda Secret Service.







Can I ask if that print out has come from your dealership, the one that carried out all the work? Thanks

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That came from a MotorChoice establishment which is part of the John Clark Group that had supplied the Audi, but it could be a Skoda , VW, Seat etc.

They use that system to have their dealerships / car supermarkets check what is on the VW Group System or any other manufacturers one.

John Clark were the original dealership and servicing one, but any approved repairer can add to the record. 


They didn't want to provide that, but then the car they agreed to take as a trade in then supposedly did not have a Full Service Record. 

so i said neither does the car you are selling as having a FMDSH.  So there you are, that is what there is on the system. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great thread.

Yet another added about this same repeat topic, which has many people feeling hot under the collar...


I'm in the same position, and having followed the same path as  @Blue55 I find it infuriating that you cannot gain access to information which is 'Technically' yours.


I actually started on the process prior to buying my current car which was advertised (Private Seller), as having 'Full Dealer Service History'.


The previous owner couldn't provide this information so I did loads of legwork myself pre-purchase in exchange for a lump of money off for my efforts.

I didn't get everything that I wanted, but I did get enough to satisfy my curiosity before buying the car that it wasn't a crashed, clocked, un-serviced lemon.


Here's my story:

Chased up the Supplying Dealership with Phone calls: No response or return of calls.

Chased up the supplying Dealership with an Online email Enquiry form: Guess what? No response.

Went in to my Local Skoda Dealership in East London. just like with you, they would only provide me with the printout of dates: 'Service History Certificate'

It's my understanding that the form shown in the pic above is called the Complete Record Report which breaks down the work carried out and parts used on those garage events?

I can't see the title for obvious reasons, but if I got this wrong anyone, please feel free to chip in and correct me.


I am going to get back on Skoda UKs case again next week and hound them as this is ridiculous.


Good luck yourselves.





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On 11/03/2023 at 12:49, GordoGT said:

It's my understanding that the form shown in the pic above is called the Complete Record Report which breaks down the work carried out and parts used on those garage events?

That is a LOT more detailed than the Complete Record (no Report) paper printed (hard) copy my wife is given.


As, until August last year, for the previous 30+ years I've been using "classic" (over-priced and over-valued old) cars as dallies I'm used to much more detailed servicing and maintenance bills and records from those doing the work and what I compile so the digital system was a very unwelcome surprise on my wife's car.  (BTW apparently other marques than VW did give a physical service book).


I ask my wife to get a refreshed Complete Record every time the car has work done but often it's only the Individual record I get a paper print out of.


Attached images as examples. - 





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Thanks nta16.

After reading what you written I now dont know what to ask Skoda UK?

I guess I'll start with asking for a detailed breakdown of every service & see where that gets me.

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@GordoGT what about going into your local Dealership and asking for a detailed breakdown of every service and if not a Complete Record, if the two aren't the same thing.  As the current owner, take in your V5C ("logbook" registration, keepers paper) for relevant VIN and perhaps proof you're the "keeper" of the car and I'd have thought they'd be happy to use up a couple of bits of paper and ink in the hope of getting you as a service customer at least.


The VWSkoda digital service record seems a ridiculously run system to me, good luck, let us know how you get on.


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Thanks for the further advice nta16: I'm going to do exactly as you've suggested.


I couldn't agree with this comment more...

"The VWSkoda digital service record seems a ridiculously run system to me"


Will report back on here.




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A mod has removed the post i posted after which had a link to paying £20 or Euro to get a Service report. below is what my reply was.



^^^ If desperate maybe some can pay.


VW Group have a Corporate Responsibility to allow vehicle owners to know a vehicles service history and for free.   They are the market leaders globally that lied and cheated and conned customers and got off lightly.

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When I asked for the Service Record of a 1 year old Skoda I had just purchased from the Skoda dealer near Southampton they refused to give it to me because of concerns over Data Protection legislation - which is ridiculous!!!

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Perhaps they wanted to hide that there was (ETA: not) not any service history (or they hadn't yet made it up).  Did you get any service history later on which went back to when the car was new?

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23 hours ago, nta16 said:

Perhaps they wanted to hide that there was any service history (or they hadn't yet made it up).  Did you get any service history later on which went back to when the car was new?

Yes, just asked a different dealer who provided it straight away!

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