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Engine cover, do we really need it?

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Due to high temperatures here i don't use the car often (i take my small motorcycle) but for the test purposes i will do at least 50-60 km distance to see the affect in Fuel Consumption at City Traffic.

As always i will post photos no matter the result.

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The reason that i reinstalled the hose from the grill to bring more air inside the air filter box is this:





The photo is from a Julian Edgar's  video.


As for the results from the new test, well they were as the ones in the 1st test which means ''positive".

In purpose i engaged in hard City traffic (behind buses or taxis, right lane mainly etc), i wanted to see the behaviour of the car (now were receives more air) when it's too hot and how the modified air filter box works in low rpm (low speed in traffic).

I had to go in a boulevard for a while but i didn't wanted to stay long, i wanted to test the whole situation in hard City traffic with sun at noon in high temperatures.

The car accelerates smoothly and the same happens when i release the gas pedal and the rpm drop, for example from 3rd gear i leave the gas pedal, little brake, put neutral and stop for a traffic light.

No problem in City traffic, no hesitation, no abrupt behaviour and yes in 2000 rpm and 3rd gear in the same uphill things were not ideal but that is not a problem.


The Fuel Consumption was lower that all the previous and i have photos to post as proof, i will make an Update soon.

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I first installed that hose without having seen this video.




Listen what he says at 4:19 ,so i did the right thin !





As we say here: ''Better late than never".


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44 minutes ago, Thefeliciahacker said:

Cmon factory location is a high pressure area inherently 


Who said the opposite?

This would be my next project, i will try to locate that hole which @Papez mention long time ago




6U0129618 is the part code and i will make a modification.

I can do anything working on the road side, i have to wait when the car is lifted for coolant flush to take photos and measure it.





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The test was for 47.3 Km in hard City traffic conditions, in purpose quickly left the boulevard and engaged in traffic like a taxi driver, right lane, no overtakes, behind buses, waiting in bus stop etc.

i wanted to see the car's behaviour now with the modified air filter box, now more air comes inside and has no restriction till the throttle.

Last Sping when i had that damned-crappy 15W-50 the Fuel Consumption in such conditions was 12.9ltr/100Km (21.90 Uk MPG) and the worst was one night at 13.1ltr/100Km (21.56 Uk MPG).

Now i have that tremendous Synthetic 10W-40, full repaired suspension, modified air filter box, 98 octane gasoline from different gas station than last year and the result in that ''torture" test was:





This is the Average Fuel Consumption, 11.1ltr / 100Km or 25.45 Uk MPG





This is the Total Fuel Consumption, the car burned 5.1 ltr gasoline for 47.3 Km distance or 10.78ltr / 100Km or 26.20 Uk MPG.


I wish i could do more Km distance but it was noon, the sun was high, i was in sweat and i didn't want to open the a/c because i wanted to have similar situation with last year test.

As for the difference between the 11,1 and the 10.78 i have to say that in Average function (with the ⌀ symbol) the TC-6 does not react so fast, takes time to make a change for more or less.

In the Total with the Σ symbol (from the Greek word Συνολικη) is more accurate after a calibration and i have checked this 2 times in previous FC tests so i rely more in this function.

Nevertheless the results are amazing (for my modified and heavy that stock car), keep in mind that some years back i had 14.7 ltr or 19.21 Uk MPg and take a look now, i have made a huge improvement and Yes, i don't regret even for a second that i have cut the engine cover and modified the air filter box, it worked !JsLgGge.gif




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Do bear in mind your "damned-crappy 15W-50" was straight mineral engine oil and your "tremendous Synthetic 10W-40" is some sort of synthetic engine oil - not that I think that might be the main element in the difference to your petrol consumption.


Be interesting to see how much your hard driving on the mountains improves the feel and performance of the engine.


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1 hour ago, nta16 said:

 not that I think that might be the main element in the difference to your petrol consumption.


Be interesting to see how much your hard driving on the mountains improves the feel and performance of the engine.



Help the mostly in high rpm by the way, already tested for a while in Highway.


For sure in my summer trip but i will try for a test earlier.

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It should certainly be more noticeable at higher speeds and acceleration as that when more air is coming in.  Do I take it you already have a non-standard exhaust?


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1 hour ago, nta16 said:

Do I take it you already have a non-standard exhaust?



No, i have a custom one from A to Z.

The @Thefeliciahacker said that i have lost performance but i proved to him that i haven't.

The headers are wrapped with titanium tape for lower temperature inside the engine bay.

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18 minutes ago, D.FYLAKTOS said:

The headers are wrapped with titanium tape for lower temperature inside the engine bay.

Best way to destroy headers 

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10 minutes ago, Thefeliciahacker said:

Best way to destroy headers 


Only if are not made from quality steel.

Are wrapped (till the lambda sensor) for about 20 years, checked 3 times till now for rust etc, no problems.

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Posted (edited)

Tested for 20 years in use would seem a reasonable test time for most, not simulated test conditions car and other manufacturers use that do not really simulate real world and real time conditions.


On some engines there is a worry about hold too much heat to the head but many owners have done it without reporting or seeming to get any harm.  People often forget about the numerous variables that make up any situation and event, one difference could give a different outcome.


Makes more sense that if you can get more air out that to a certain level getting more air in might bring improvements.


I used to take my Midget to a cylinder head and engine specialist with a flow bench as he also had a dyno, he would also try experiments on it just for the fun of it and see what made any difference and how much and its limits.  He told me he tried out a bodge made version of what we call cold air induction (your hose from a hole in the car body) with increasing lengths protruding from the vehicle, got up to a 2m length of drain pipe I can't remember what he said the results were. 


Experienced people like him that work on very old design and old used engines and cars will often know the results they expect to see but don't say or prejudge things and with experience know to also know the unexpected can and will sometimes happen, so then they learn more.  They might say what has happened in the past in the circumstances but won't say that will definitely be the case this or every time.


I told him I'd bought some HT leads direct from the producer and they had made a noticeable improvement on my car, only slight but noticeable and I got the producer to send him a set to test on the dyno as he wasn't convinced, he put them on a (proper) Mini grass racer with small low (well below Felica) powered engine as that was perfect to see any slight improvements and he freely admitted that there were improvements which he had not expected at all.


Like you I have tried stuff and gone against received wisdom  sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't, sometimes I've thought it worked to later discovered it didn't hasn't (like VW engineers) other times as things change what didn't work before now does and visa-versa.


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If i done something and works i will mention it in public, i don't i will also mention it, there is no reason to hide anything.

for example i had 48mm exhaust pipes and muffler, i had gain in high rpm but loses in low-middle, i admit it and when i found the chance i ask for 45mm installation, i lost something in high rpm and also mention it.


I haven't see any Felicia driver to work inside his air filter box, i took a risk and i succeed, i admit that in 3rd gear and 2000 rpm in uphill the previous ''situation'' was one click better but i had to make a comprimise.

I cut a part of that plastic cover, i always hate it, now i have better access to lubricate the throttle wire plus that cover and one plastic hook were pushing a bit that cable, not it's more ''free'' and i can also lubricate anytime i want the part of the cable that it's visible from the plastic hose till the bushing.



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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, D.FYLAKTOS said:

read my first sentence of my signature

You keep forgetting you are talking about an unsustainable 25year old vehicle that was designed as an everyday civilian vehicle.

These vehicles are unsustainable for everyday activities and you always live on the edge of not being able to repair anything, due to lack of spare parts (see the trouble you had with your rear wiper)
Alas doing anything more in a vehicle that can NOT be restored to factory specification and will harm reliability is in complete contradiction with the reason you first acquired it. 
The Felicia was designed as  A Grocery Getter. 

Every vehicle after 15 years since the end of its production becomes a gamble, an everyday gamble some people though, like to lower their odds of winning.
Our grande punto is MY 2008 production ended in 2018 == I have full FACTORY spare parts availability up to 2028. After that the vehicle is not viable.
Felicia ended production in 2001 Skoda supported it fully for 15 years so that vehicle stopped being a viable everyday thing in 2016

My brera ended production in 2010 == I had full support until 2020 now I have almost nothing and in a couple of years literally nothing.
Every day is a gamble THAT 50.000 euro car bought in 2006 HAS BECOME a NON VIABLE DAILY VEHICLE THUS ITS NOT USED AS SUCH

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17 hours ago, nta16 said:

(like VW engineers)


Felicia air filter box designed from Czechs 40 years ago, i didn't change the diameter or the length of the hose that brings air to the throttle, i didn't touched the throttle itself.

I already had that cone removed for many years and now i just refined the air flow.

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1 minute ago, Thefeliciahacker said:

Every vehicle after 15 years since the end of its production becomes a gamble, an everyday gamble some people though, like to lower their odds of winning.


That's why the other countries are centuries ahead of us in GR which the latest 20 years we have adopted the German way of thinking:

"Buy a new car, don't touch anything, go only to the official repair-shops, pay whatever they charge you and after 5-6 years sell it and buy from us the new model and do the same with it".


You have compromised with this





i don't.


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4 hours ago, D.FYLAKTOS said:

Buy a new car, don't touch anything, go only to the official repair-shops, pay whatever they charge you and after 5-6 years sell it and buy from us the new model and do the same with it"

that's the proper way tbh, if i was rich I would change a car every 5 years

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5 hours ago, Thefeliciahacker said:

Alas doing anything more in a vehicle that can NOT be restored to factory specification and will harm reliability

That is not necessarily so, many improvements can be made on the factory original vehicle which are always full of compromises (and mistakes), there have been many improvements (as well things getting worse) over the years since your cars left the factory.  Despite it's certificate of age your Felicia I'm sure has things on it that are not factory standard, the oils and coolant have changed at least, tyres and I bet a concours expert could point loads of stuff on your car.


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Tomorrow the results from the first rest, City traffic (usual not hard as was in the 2nd), no boulevard no Highway, just a home to work route for about 25 km.

I wish i could do more but with such a high temperatures it's difficult and the a/c use will ruin my Fuel Consumption.

It was a small but useful test.



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"The term, Restomod, is a portmanteau of “restoration” and “modification”. It refers to the process of restoring and upgrading classic vehicles with modern components and technology. In recent decades, restomods have gained immense popularity among automotive enthusiasts.

This is because they’re perfect options for those who seek to preserve the timeless beauty of their vintage car while enhancing the performance,comfort and safety too. Typically, a restomod involves replacing or upgrading various components such as the engine, transmission, suspension, brakes and interior features."


That's the spirit !

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