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better reversing lights...


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I am wondering about the reverse lights. They are quite good standard, but I do a lot of reversing in the dark and can't see a thing cause there are no street lamps (where I do all of this reversing in the dark :p). So I am wondering if i can upgrade them to something better without to much hassle. The manual says that the bulb size is P21W. But I can't seem to find any hi spec P21W.

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But I can't seem to find any hi spec P21W.
That is very good news for some of us! I wouldn't have thought the rear light clusters could cope with more powerful bulbs without running into overheating problems. You could fit additional reversing lights under the bumper but they wouldn't do anything to improve the looks of the car.
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That is very good[/u'] news for some of us! I wouldn't have thought the rear light clusters could cope with more powerful bulbs without running into overheating problems. You could fit additional reversing lights under the bumper but they wouldn't do anything to improve the looks of the car.

Edit: misread post

The area that I am reversing out of is in a really narrow street, with big clusters of house in parallel. I know that reversing lights are blinding sometimes but I would use them considerately. I really don't want to fit additional reversing lights under the bumper because I have a rear spoiler there. I am wondering if there exists something along the lines of 30% or 50% more light bulbs in the P21W size.

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I believe you can get a 35W Halogen lamp with the same base as your standard reversing lamp' date=' maybe a bit of searching is in order ;)

Just remember, those rear light clusters are only PVC, so if the light is on for any length of time, you'll have heat problems with halogens;[/quote']

Any suggestions where?? I have looked and looked and can't seem to find any.. :confused: The reversing takes less than 1 1/2 minute so I guess I would be in the clear regarding heat issues, and besides I only reverse in the dark in the winter :santa:, in less than 10C.

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I know, I know here's what you do.

1. Reverse in during daylight hours.

2. Drive straight out at night.

Hey presto, use your headlights like great big reversing lights - except your not reversing........... I'll get my coat.

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