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So Scala owners, what do you think to your car ?

Mr Grump

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So sorry to hear your plight and the considerable clean up and damage these dumb morons have caused.


Having just picked up my new Scala on Friday I am mindful of the thieves and vandalism we are all having to endure these days.

You might want to consider fitting security film to your side windows which would guard against some attack and prevent any glass shattering in the future, if you are unlucky enough to be targeted again.

I have just purchased 2 Vonetti Bello Faraday Boxes to place my 2 keys in at night and when I am out and about. They are made of Aluminium and fit in a coat pocket or bag and won’t allow key cloning. I have also updated my existing Faraday Pouches and they don’t retain their defence to key cloning once they are a few years old, unlike the Vonetti metal boxes.


In addition to the above, I have also ordered the latest Disklok Diamond version steering wheel cover and lock. It is meant to resist attack from disk cutting tools and will prevent thieves from driving the car away or stealing the Airbag.

Hopefully you can get your car back to pristine condition soon and put this horrendous attack behind you.



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1 hour ago, Happy_owner said:

Thanks. Things have taken a turn for the better - I reluctantly rang Autoglass because I could not find anyone willing to quote. I was all set to cough up the aforementioned £644, but the very helpful advisor went through the details of my insurance policy and confirmed that it was so comprehensive that I was covered for everything including an asteroid hitting the earth and wiping out a large chunk of the population. The result is that I shall have to pay only £117 excess, with my NCD undented. They can't do me until next Tuesday but I can live with that. Thus cheered, I spent the day working on the glass dust and made some progress. Bigger chunks are still turning up EVERYWHERE - in the boot, in the rails of the passenger seat, in the rear door-bins, between every piece of rubber and plastic. I even got on the floor and started teasing chunks out through the driver door drain holes. All this will mean the Autoglass repair person can concentrate on the important bit of the job. I'll take the opportunity to give the inside panel a good clean once it is off, because the torrential rain, sluicing down from the trees above, sent a Niagara Falls of crap into my car.

That's good. Also the damage wasn't personal in that it was caused by a piece of scum after a few quid to buy the next fix.......

BTW what gearbox do you have - mine is manual and I like it. The Scala could be a perfect speed ticket magnet if you let it be so watch out! 

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Six-speed manual here too. Always been a stick shifter. Like to feel I'm driving it, and not just pointing it in the direction of travel. The Scala gear box reminds me of my predecessor vehicle, a VW Jetta. The gears are tightly packed and smooth with minimal movement needed between each one. In fact, the Scala SE trim felt very familiar when I strapped in for combat last week and it reminded me of the Jetta all round. Everything was where I was used to finding it - from the ventilation to the window controls, from the multi-function steering wheel to the lighting, seat controls, storage, and all the rest. Much quieter engine than my diesel, of course, meaning it was a much more church-like experience on the motorway. Win-win! 

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Happy Sunday folks. May I trespass on the collective wisdom of the Briskoda membership for a moment, in connection with a door seal matter.

Please would you have a look at the attached photo - it's the bottom of the the driver-side inner door seal on my 10 days old 21 plate Scala.

I have just read something online which prompts me to ask the following - is the rusted metal in this photo part of the car chassis, or is it just an integral part of the door seal? I read online a few minutes ago that some door seals have metal stiffeners in them. I have been fretting since I stumbled upon this damage a few days ago - but now I am wondering whether I am worrying needlessly. All advice welcome. (I stumbled on it, by the way, while vacuuming up the glass which sprayed everywhere when some scummer punched in the driver's window on only day seven of my ownership, but that's another story.)





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2 hours ago, Happy_owner said:

Happy Sunday folks. May I trespass on the collective wisdom of the Briskoda membership for a moment, in connection with a door seal matter.

Please would you have a look at the attached photo - it's the bottom of the the driver-side inner door seal on my 10 days old 21 plate Scala.

I have just read something online which prompts me to ask the following - is the rusted metal in this photo part of the car chassis, or is it just an integral part of the door seal? I read online a few minutes ago that some door seals have metal stiffeners in them. I have been fretting since I stumbled upon this damage a few days ago - but now I am wondering whether I am worrying needlessly. All advice welcome. (I stumbled on it, by the way, while vacuuming up the glass which sprayed everywhere when some scummer punched in the driver's window on only day seven of my ownership, but that's another story.)





It looks like the door seal is damaged, can’t say anything useful about the brown surface underneath. Contact the seller, hopefully a responsible dealer, and say you want it sorted or it will be rejected.

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7 minutes ago, John2022 said:

It looks like the door seal is damaged, can’t say anything useful about the brown surface underneath. Contact the seller, hopefully a responsible dealer, and say you want it sorted or it will be rejected.

Cheers. From research elsewhere I am starting to conclude that the rusted metal is part of the metal reinforcement which is apparently in a door seal. I have already got the Skoda dealer looking into it - watch this space. 

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Suggestions please - best place/price for branded rubber front mats for my 21 plate Scala? Carpet simply doesn't work where I live - tree lined cul-de-sac that is a quagmire for 11 months of the year thanks to mother nature and a delinquent local authority.

Thanks all!

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The best place for accessories and price is www.skoda-parts.com 

They are super helpful and will answer any questions regarding parts and if they are compatible.

I bought my Scala rubber mats, boot liner, and a ton of simply clever bits there prior to picking up my new car.

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4 hours ago, Legin T said:

The best place for accessories and price is www.skoda-parts.com 

They are super helpful and will answer any questions regarding parts and if they are compatible.

I bought my Scala rubber mats, boot liner, and a ton of simply clever bits there prior to picking up my new car.

I bought a set of Škoda rubber mats (including one for the boot) for the Scala. Very effective they are too!

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9 hours ago, Legin T said:

The best place for accessories and price is www.skoda-parts.com 

They are super helpful and will answer any questions regarding parts and if they are compatible.

I bought my Scala rubber mats, boot liner, and a ton of simply clever bits there prior to picking up my new car.

Thanks for the tip - looks like a reliable source. However, I'm curious about these tags  on the rubber mats which I have circled in red - see pic - they don't appear to correspond to anything on the floor of my 21 plate. Any thoughts?5e74dd592cc70_xl.thumb.jpg.cff05bc3c3c5748dc4c601f288a03c49.jpg

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The tags are only for displaying / hanging up in a shop, you can very easily cut them off with sharp scissors.

I bought the Red Logo Scala mats to match my Velvet Red car.

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12 minutes ago, Legin T said:

The tags are only for displaying / hanging up in a shop, you can very easily cut them off with sharp scissors.

I bought the Red Logo Scala mats to match my Velvet Red car.

Aaahhh! Right. Thanks for that clarification. Looks like a deal is on then. The price is good.


10 hours ago, Legin T said:

The best place for accessories and price is www.skoda-parts.com 

They are super helpful and will answer any questions regarding parts and if they are compatible.

I bought my Scala rubber mats, boot liner, and a ton of simply clever bits there prior to picking up my new car.

Thanks for the tip - looks like a reliable source. However, I'm curious about these tags  on the rubber mats which I have circled in red - see pic - they don't appear to correspond to anything on the floor of my 21 plate. Any thoughts?5e74dd592cc70_xl.thumb.jpg.cff05bc3c3c5748dc4c601f288a03c49.jpg

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The prices are very good, even with postage I saved 50% compared to UK prices on floor mats, boot liner, folding Skoda storage crate, and other simply clever paraphernalia.

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