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Slow reaction from front parking sensors

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How yours parking sensors at front react, do they have any lag?

I'm noticing significant reaction difference between front and back sensors - for example when i'm parked between two other cars, the rear ones indicate at the same moment when i switch into reverse, but the front need 2-3 seconds to start working. After that (when I start maneuvering), they are OK.


Yesterday I had very unpleasant situation when I stopped next to a sign to read it (small font...) if I can park there and I didn't see that there was a curb at one of my sides and I jumped on it. I know it was my mistake, but when I backed up, and then went into the parking entrance, the sensors got it.

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I have not observed differences between front and back…

But object clearance on the left/right side yes…

I get beeps when the car on my left/right leaves completely and there is no car there for another 2 more seconds. 
if i need to leave fast, the car will slam the brakes so that I dont “crash into a ghost car”…

very annoying.

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