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Skoda Connect site shutting down email

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I just got an email from Skoda that the Skoda Connect Portal and the My Skoda Essentials is shutting down in July. Just wondering if anyone else got this?


I have used the Skoda Connect Portal to retrieve service history.  Given VAG's recent history with IT "issues", it would be a shame to loose something that actually works.

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Everything must have an app rather then a web page you can just access from your Desktop PC.

The daft thing is  that there will still be a web server in the background somewhere providing the details to the app

double *sigh*


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  • 2 weeks later...

Apparently they are getting rid of area notifications, so if a car leaves a geographic area you get an alert.  Had to phone to get that info because they communicate nothing, Skoda are really losing touch with customers.


The one service of use and a key decision in buying the car as it provides extra theft protection. Gone. Mad.


Skoda are clueless when it comes to their value added services and understanding what makes a customer buy.


There maybe other services going, apparently you can get a refund.  I've emailed the UK CEO for his view and how to get the refund because Skoda connect support failed to send me the link they promised as well.



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VW did the same thing, shutting down one app then providing a new one and guess what......

......functions that you got for free now behind a pay wall.

Welcome to the cloud, pay to play and share your data with the world at the same time.

Take me back to happier times!
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This is better.


The function is a paid for function. I've paid I've got 18 months to run.


To top off the stupidity.. the new app offers the options to pay for the same function they now say they will not support.  They are continuing to offer for sale what they intend to withdraw without saying it, breach of advertising law probably, breach of contract.


I got a "holding" response from the Exec  team within 30 mins. Now just got to wait for that response, given themselves about 2 weeks to respond.  My impression was they were not happy as they did not know.


The area notification is a lot cheaper than a tracker, it's not a perfect alert to theft but it's very useful, it has a value I can calculate.  It makes for a far more interesting discussion that most of the connect stuff, which is nice to have but with no obvious commercial alternative.



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The "MySkoda" app has always seemed to work less well that the "MySkoda Essentials". With my Octavia, the MySkoda app can't even tell me if the doors are locked (it only notices if they are closed), whereas the "Essentials" can.

Much of the data it provides is simply wrong: the car tells me that I have 3,000 miles left with AdBlue; the app says 1,864 and has said so for the past 5,000 miles. Sometimes I feel that they should be proscecuted under the Trades Descriptions Act for saying "one reliable place."

At the moment the MySkoda app (iPhone) has an abysmal review level of only 1.8 / 5. (It manages a marginally better 3 / 5 on Google Play.)  By contrast, the "Essentials" app has 4.1 on iPhone, 3.2 on Google Play. Whenever someone reviews it and points out its shortcomings, the Skoda response is almost always "Hello, we are very sorry that you are having difficulties with our app. Unfortunately, we cannot help you without a deeper analysis. So please contact us..."  When I DID call them they weren't able to address any of the poijnts I made, but said that they "would take what I had said into consideration".

Accessing the online owners' manual will be much less easy on an iPhone than on my desktop, but I suppose no one took such disadvantages into consideration when the VAG Group made the corporate decision fo ditch various apps and portals.

The Skoda apps seem to be FAR inferior to the apps I see friends using (particularly people with Kia cars).

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I work in IT so some of the marketing IT speak just doesn't wash.  Making it better, should mean better for users not nicer code. Skoda is not unique for that problem.


Skoda cars great, the garages are getting worse, the IT is worse still but most notably nothing is joined up.


They are making themselves look incompetent, which is a shame given the cars are I think very good. Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, comes to mind.

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11 hours ago, HenPen said:

The "MySkoda" app has always seemed to work less well that the "MySkoda Essentials". With my Octavia, the MySkoda app can't even tell me if the doors are locked (it only notices if they are closed), whereas the "Essentials" can.


I prefer the My Škoda Essentials App by a long way, but I think the My Škoda app is improving with successive releases thus I live in hope. The latest iOS app does now show if the car is locked or not...



What it displays about being locked if a window is open I don'r know.

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Checking my iPhone just now, I see  "Unavailable" just under the picture of the car instead of "Vehicle Locked", so I can't tell if it is locked or not. I expect that a 1-year-old Octavia might not be included in their updates.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 18/06/2024 at 07:36, HenPen said:

Checking my iPhone just now, I see  "Unavailable" just under the picture of the car instead of "Vehicle Locked", so I can't tell if it is locked or not. I expect that a 1-year-old Octavia might not be included in their updates

It DOES show up.... about one try in 10. Most of the rest of the time it shows up as "Unavailable". With the "Essentials" it almost always shows up right away. Oh, about 2,000 more miles on from when it said I had 1,864 miles of AdBlue left, the app now says that I have 2,175 more miles of AdBlue, so I have an increased range without adding any! I trust it like I would trust a politician's promises!

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I prefer the MyEyes app. It comes pre-installed in my head, and is subscription free. I look around my Skoda before setting off and after arriving at my destination. I use the MyKeyfob app which is embedded in the keyfob to lock the doors and the MyHand app,  which is embedded in my arm, to check the doors are locked. These two are also subscription free. 🤣 🤣🤣

Maybe I am just old-fashioned!!!!

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16 minutes ago, HenPen said:

Oh, about 2,000 more miles on from when it said I had 1,864 miles of AdBlue left, the app now says that I have 2,175 more miles of AdBlue, so I have an increased range without adding any!

The thing with Adblue it uses more or less depending on how you drive, so might not use as much on some journeys as others.

and just checked my range and it is 2,174 Miles ! 

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Looking at fuel consumption in the MySkoda app I have noticed fuel consumption seems to be improving as the months get warmer (1.4 TSI PHEV only used as a normal hybrid (I don't plug it in) mainly in sport mode)



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18 hours ago, RADIOTWO said:

The thing with Adblue it uses more or less depending on how you drive, so might not use as much on some journeys as others.

and just checked my range and it is 2,174 Miles ! 

What I meant was that what the app says is (and has been) VERY different from what the car says, and that the app has hardly changed, whilst the car has regularly updated. I don't know if I trust the app's figures.

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1 hour ago, HenPen said:

What I meant was that what the app says is (and has been) VERY different from what the car says, and that the app has hardly changed, whilst the car has regularly updated. I don't know if I trust the app's figures.

What does the car its self say ?(in the infotainment centre) 

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18 hours ago, mccririck said:

Looking at fuel consumption in the MySkoda app I have noticed fuel consumption seems to be improving as the months get warmer (1.4 TSI PHEV only used as a normal hybrid (I don't plug it in) mainly in sport mode)



Its a pity the Us Gallon cannot be changed to UK Gallons

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3 minutes ago, RADIOTWO said:

it does not work it still  shows US Gallons

Looks like it may be a bug in the android app. I'm assuming the actual mpg figures are in UK mpg otherwise they would be 1.2 times better than displayed which seems unrealistic.

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