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The short owners manual in English

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We bought a new Skoda Fabia 2023 last week. We live in Sweden and the short version of the owners manual that we got a printed version of is in Swedish. My husband is Canadian (doesn't read/speak Swedish) so we have been trying to find a PDF of the English version to download but failed. The only owners manual we can find is the extensive online interactive version but we want the short version printed to have in the car. We talked to the car dealer, Skoda Sweden but no one can help us. Is there anyone who might be able to refer us to a link or advice on how to get an English copy?

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There are several on-line enquiries about obtaining a .pdf Owner's Manual file for recent Skoda models.


While there's little doubt that Skoda has files (possibly .pdf type) from which hardcopy booklets are produced in various languages for recent models, these appear to be unavailable outside Skoda itself. 

It's been suggested that Skoda owners that do not have a hardcopy manual contact a Skoda dealership to see if they have spare copies or can obtain one from Skoda, but (as you've found) it's questionable that a Skoda dealership would be able to have or obtain a manual in a language than differs from that used in the country where the dealership is located.


You could try contacting Skoda (UK) yourself about this or, if this hasn't already been tried, ask Skoda(Sweden) to do it on your behalf.

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There's a huge database of car manuals on this website




Skoda Fabia manuals (in many languages) are provided beginning in 2004 and ending in 2021. This  link is to a downloadable .pdf file containing an English-language Fabia Owner's Manual with a November 2020 publication date.




A 2021-model Fabia won't be an exact match for your 2023 car, but your husband may still find the information in the earlier manual helpful.


The back page of my Skoda's  Owner's Manual carries the warning "Printing, reproduction, translation or other use of this work or any part thereof is not permitted without the written consent of Skoda Auto a.s. All proprietary rights in this work arising from copyright regulations shall be exercised exclusively by Skoda a.s." I don't know how carmanuals2.com acquires its data, but I'm doubtful it's with Skoda's authorisation. Anyway, the carmanuals2.com website exists and, if you keep an eye on it, you might well find that a more up-to-date Fabia Owner's Manual is posted there soon.

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Posted (edited)

@Fia , hi, welcome.


sorry, deleted, as I misunderstood that you only wanted the short version, sorry you will have to put up with the fuller online English language version but it's not any interactive version, just read only (I ignore any videos).


Here, in case you've seen a different version in the car. - https://manual.skoda-auto.com/004/en-com/Models


Edited by nta16
I misunderstood again
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My Fabia has a version of the on-line Owner's Manual that's accessible through the car's Amundsen infotainment system. 


I haven't experimented with it (other than to check it's there and in English) and I assume that it would be in Swedish for Fia's car. But it might be worth checking if it's possible to select a different language (eg. English instead of Swedish).

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