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No Drive to Wheels

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So our little run-around failed it's MOT last month with a broken spring, so I decided to lower it slightly and replace the brakes and control arms which were all advisories myself. All has gone well apart from ordering the wrong control arms meaning the car was bowlegged and had mental camber. A reorder of the correct parts and I fitted the correct one today. I have now lost all drive to the wheels. I can hear the gearbox spinning and maybe a bit of the driveshaft but no movement or park.
Nothing has been touched other than the control arm swap out, and I turned the car around before installing them with no problem.
I think it is a driveshaft but why would I lose power to both front wheels and why when it hasn't been touched? Could the adverse camber and toe-out have been enough to give some grip to a buggered driveshaft from me installing the suspension? I don't know.
Any help appreciated.
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29 minutes ago, jstHightower said:

I think it is a driveshaft but why would I lose power to both front wheels

One word; differential . If one driveshaft is now effectively disconnected, you'll get no drive to either wheel.

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30 minutes ago, Paws4Thot said:

One word; differential . If one driveshaft is now effectively disconnected, you'll get no drive to either wheel.

Thanks - I have since understood the diff and realised it wouldn't move both.


Can the driveshaft come out of the CV joint (and be put back in?) if I've been moving the hub assembly around?

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I believe that something like this was reported recently - I think a snap-ring locating an inner driveshaft had been damaged.

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