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Automatic Gearbox overheating

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I have an 2021 Octavia 1.5 e-Tec with an automatic gearbox.  On a recent run (100 miles) a warning sign lit up on the dashboard. This was a gear shaped amber light with an exclamation mark inside.  At the same time a warning triangle flashed up. 


I checked the gear shaped sign and found that it was something to do with an overheating gearbox.  Later on the journey the sign disappeared.  The next day it reappeared, only to disappear after an hour or so.


If any one can help, I have two questions.


1. Is the car safe to drive?

2. I'm told by the local Skoda dealer that they are "full up" with appointments until July.   Is there an alternative specialist firm that I might contact -  as an alternative to Skoda - who will  be able to fix the problem?


Thanks in advance.


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I suggest you look up some local independent specialists. If you google "independent skoda specialists" with your area, you'll get a list of suggestions


tell them about your issue and see what they say about it being drivable



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3 hours ago, Simon667 said:

I suggest you look up some local independent specialists. If you google "independent skoda specialists" with your area, you'll get a list of suggestions


tell them about your issue and see what they say about it being drivable



Thank you for the suggestion. I'll do that straight away.  Regards.

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@Tico Has the Manufacturers Warranty Expired?


Are the Independent qualified to work on a Mild Hybrid,

do they have the trained technician, EV trained, even though it is just a DQ200-e DSG they are looking at.

Edited by Ootohere
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