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Felicia with Heat Shield in the Intake Manifold

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This i something that i wanted to do long time ago, i have seen it in numerous videos, read about it in many articles and i was advised by a mechanic to do it (customer to him for injection cleaning and air condition service).

Yes i know that someone say ''does not worth it" ''Felicia does not need it" "you won't get any benefit from this" ''leave it as is from factory"etc but i will pass.








This is the Skoda Felicia Intake Manifold, i didn't want to full cover it because i would have major problem in hot summer days here in GR, all i wanted was a Shield (and a Sleeve) to protect it from exhaust heat but with the ability to let it cool off normally.

Many times i had the thought, always another problem was interfered, delay after delay but now before my summer vacations i said ''Now it's the time". B)


Since no money for ceramic coating i use this material:

Supposed it's till 800 Celsius but i don't care if that is true, the engine bay can not reach such temperatures because will melt.




It's self adhesive, i have some experience with tapes from this material in my engine bay, also have used in the past adhesive aluminium heat tape which can stand till 200 'C.

I have also done some tests with digital thermometer to see the difference and i will do some more in the future, photos and short analysis soon.



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I didn't use Embossed Aluminium Heat Shield sheet (although i have one)








because i don't have bench, time for making curves etc but most i don't have where to support it on the intake manifold, the space is tight and most of all:

I want something that won't rattle while the car is moving, a rattle or squeaking noise for me it's a cause to tear apart anything just to fix it and make it stop.

A metal sheet hanging down there would be an obstacle, yes more robust material but for sure i would have problem with the layout inside the engine bay.

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As for the front part or intake manifold i wanted to create a Shield only, it's not in my plans for perimeter coverage now, maybe in the future.

It's difficult for something adhesive to stay on the surface due to the material itself plus the dirt after all these years.





I bent the sheet and make it smaller but double layer. I would use galvanized wire in the back but like this wouldn't last i was stretch it so i opened two holes and use eyelets.










The Heat Shield is ready.

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Does this replace the factory hot air collector. (Which might act as a heat shield). Unless Felicia's sold in Greece didn't come with one.

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1 hour ago, R_U_AFA said:

Does this replace the factory hot air collector. (Which might act as a heat shield). Unless Felicia's sold in Greece didn't come with one.


047253041A is the part code, it's for exhaust manifold and not for air intake.




I had it abut 20+ years ago, was lost when i wrapped my exhaust headers.

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Where the green is i put the Heat Sleeve, unfortunately the 2 spots with threads (yellow) restrict me so i had to put 2 ''stripes'' for each side and not one piece.





In the back side i use wire (red) but this temporary till i find another way.





I didn't had metal tie wraps that time but i ordered for future installation.





As for the endurance of the aluminium heat tape here is a sample that i had at least for 2,5 years in the intake manifold just for test.

By accident can be seen in a photo with the gear oil leak that i had, it was in the back of the intake in purpose to get the most of the heat from the exhaust manifold.

2,5 years and never moved, was still sticky when i try to remove it by hand, very durable.

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Here is the first part of the Heat Shield





and i add another onein front area only.





Here is as the engine bay looks now, the metal tie wraps arrived and i will install them in few days.






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Here is today with the metal zip ties or Stainless Steel Cable Ties.





Except the air condition hose (older heat sleeve modification) i put in the throttle sensor cables and a small part in the vacuum hose-fuel line.






I bought a digital thermometer and this is the first test with the aluminium tape that i had.





The difference is 3 'C only but keep in mind that the car has left after a ride about 4 hours parked in the road, the measurements are not when i just finished the ride so are not final.

Now that the Heat Shield-Sleeve procedure finished i will take some measurements immediately when i finish the trip so the results would be more valid.

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Here are the results from the today's test. I use this digital thermometer (not a IR pistol) and as you can understand i had to wait some minutes to take each measure.

For sure i was not looking for the ''perfect'' result, it's not a F1 laboratory here but i wanted to see the difference between the Shielded and the No Shielded air intake.








Now the Shielded area.








As you can the there is a significant difference and i think this is good for the performance. 💪


More photos from a test when i return from my vacations trip, the engine will run hotter,the temperatures would be higher and i will use a Laser Thermometer like this.





Till next time...''Stay Shielded". 😃



Edited by D.FYLAKTOS
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5 hours ago, D.FYLAKTOS said:

Laser Thermometer

Can't remember the word but IIRC that could give inaccurate readings on what you're bouncing it off.


Apparently if you have one of these "smart" phones (they are not) you can put on something that gives thermal images and temperature for low cost, also use as another diagnostic tool sometimes.


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12 hours ago, D.FYLAKTOS said:

I have family obligations, unfortunately no money for such luxuries.

I have an engineering firm so this is within my scope of work.
https://www.flir.eu/products/e8-pro/ not the pro sadly the original E8

Edited by Thefeliciahacker
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10 hours ago, nta16 said:

so use as another diagnostic tool sometimes.


 No OBD II in Felicia, the OBD 11 fits in us but i don't have it with me now.

I am traveling, in the stop (Cafe parking lot) for coffee i can touch the shield with bear hands, the air intake absolutely not.

I will take measurements in the next days.

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2 hours ago, D.FYLAKTOS said:

No OBD II in Felicia, the OBD 11 fits in us but i don't have it with me now.

I don't mean a scanner, a scanner is not the only diagnostics tool available and most time not the first diagnostics tool you should use, I meant the "smart" phone (they're not) App(?) that gives thermal imagining and temperatures could be used as a diagnostic tool sometimes, I'm sure there will be some videos of some Americans using this to demonstrate what I mean.


I'll wait for winter results, see if 3:47 remains or returns or it extends.


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I would not fully rely on any free or low-priced phone App but it should give a reasonable general idea of heat differences for general home use, again different surfaces can throw off less reliable readings.


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