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Adding a MATCH 5.4, Not sure about power

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Hi All,


Looking to add a MATCH 5.4 to my Octavia iV. I'm comfortable with the process generally, the only thing i'm concerned about is the power feed to allow the unit to be run in High Power mode. The manual suggests that this takes 30A, peaking at 40, and should be run directly to the battery. 


I'm not too keen on this, primarily because I can't find a hole through the bulkhead to use, nor can I find any prior videos showing anyone doing this. I'm installing it right next to a fusebox, which already has (empty) slots for 40A fuses in it. Previously when adding circuits (admittedly lower power ones) in other cars, I've bought the receptacle to go behind the fuse slot, and added it to the fusebox, in an unused location. Is there any practical reason a device like this should be run straight to the battery, as opposed to using the fuse box, which is capable of 40A sustained loads by the looks of things?


If this is a bad idea, has anyone found a grommet to pass through cleanly behind the glovebox of a RHD?

Edited by bdavbdav
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Just to add, AIUI the female connector I think I need is an MCP 2.8 for the smaller <30A fuses. I'm not sure what the connector is for the chunkier 40A fuses is. I suspect, given the manufacturer's suggestion to go 30A on the fuse, that being conservative and sticking to the 30A would be wise.

Edited by bdavbdav
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