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MEN2-LG Help-how can i update the software?

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Hi everyone, I own a Skoda Rapid 2017 equipped with a Swing radio.

I'm struggling to locate an update for the current version, and I would appreciate any assistance.

The radio model is MEN2_EU_SK_P6340L Version 7080.

I am curious if there is an update accessible or if I should consider replacing the radio unit.

Given that this model has just two front speakers and vacant space at the rear, I am concerned about potential radio software issues.

Would replacing the radio be a viable solution, or do you have any alternative suggestions?

I am relatively new to Skoda and lack familiarity with its systems.


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https://mib-helper.com doesn't seem to have anything for you. My Swing 2 (which runs on even older firmware) also doesn't have any updates (perhaps it's a different revision of Swing 2). What are you expecting from the radio update? It won't make it any better.


Also consider that the radio has integration with car settings and diagnostics, so it's good to have original VAG/VW/Skoda radio installed, but it's not necessary.

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