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water running off boot lid into boot


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known problem on Octy

has anyone found a cure/bodge for this, I am thinking of trying to put a rubber strip on either side of the glass to create a ridge so water doesnt drip untill boot is almost fully open, this should drain water into the channels around the boot????

not fun when water runs of boot lid into the boot and then inside my goosedown jacket :thumbsdow

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There are various workarounds; all involve opening the hatchback part way (until around horizontal) and waiting for most of the water to drop into the drain channels where it's supposed to go.

Before Denis decides to contribute to this thread, I should mention that the definitive cure is to buy an estate instead of a hatchback (a bit like cutting off your leg to cure an itchy foot....) ;)

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opening the hatchback part way (until around horizontal) and waiting for most of the water to drop into the drain channels

This is my current method but its amazing how forgetfull you can be :D

standing around in the p!55ing rain waiting for the water to drain off your half open boot lid is also fairly annoying.

I shall try to cure this with a bodge for the good of the briskodian brethren:D

or sell it to Skoda for financial gain and world domination:D:D:D

Before Denis decides to contribute to this thread, I should mention that the definitive cure is to buy an estate instead of a hatchback (a bit like cutting off your leg to cure an itchy foot....)

lack of children/dogs & a dislike of tiny wheels and excessive ride height rule this one out ;)

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I haven't got a cure but I was washing the roof of the Fabia this afternoon, and forgot the boot was up :rolleyes:

So, a nice flood of water disappeared in the direction of my open boot, but to my surprise (as I dropped the brush and ran around) was that all the water had drained off into the channels and not a drop landed on the sub.


Not trying to boast or anything, I guess the furby hatch is a vastly superior design. [cough!] :eye-poppi:

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My old Puma used to suffer this problem. Ford actually did something about it though and retrofitted two stage gas struts so that they opened halfway quickly and then opened very slowly for the rest of the travel.

Are you reading this Mr. Skoda big brother?


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  • 6 years later...

has anyone found a cure/bodge for this, I am thinking of trying to put a rubber strip on either side of the glass to create a ridge so water doesnt drip untill boot is almost fully open, this should drain water into the channels around the boot????

Super super bump I know, but did you try that? I had the same thought last night and gave it a quick try this morning but didn't have enough time to finish, pretty sure it will work though...

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Whoa........................ I think thats the best thread revival ever, Six years takes some beating, thats about as far back as we go iirc. I don't think Dan is gonna reply seeing as he hasn't been online since 07. :giggle: :giggle:

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I read somewhere about running a line of silicone which stops the water build up in the first place... Not sure where... Or if I actually dreamt it up... Though after opening my boot this morning in the pouring down rain it seemed to come back to me from somewhere :dull:

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I read somewhere about running a line of silicone which stops the water build up in the first place... Not sure where... Or if I actually dreamt it up... Though after opening my boot this morning in the pouring down rain it seemed to come back to me from somewhere :dull:

ive put a line of silicone either side in the channel and it seems to have stopped water running into the boot :thumbup:

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Sounds like the problem I am trying to solve might be different to what you guys have been describing above... When I open my boot lid and it's been raining, water sat on the rear window runs off sideways, over the edge of the glass and into my boot. I don't get any pooling anywhere...

Anyway, here's what I did:





Had to make a jig to ensure the tube (some brake bleeding hose at work) was sliced neatly, but took about 20 mins in total and came out better than I expected!


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