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Bolt sheared-ABD LAN


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The mounting bolt that holds my LAN pipe in place and is spot-welded to the inner wing has sheared.Seems this has fatigued or after using a couple of bursts of power must have twisted the engine sufficiently to snap the bolt at the stem. I have tie-wrapped it for now but will have to drill out the bolt head and insert new bolt through wing (meaning take inner wing cover off to access).

Anyone else had this- DaveU, Des's new owner, if not beware.

My dealer said its not claimable as non standard intake.

The probs with having mods I guess.


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Thanks, Mr Decidedly[/b'] Average :)

Can Monkey Boy say if he just put a bigger bolt through the wing as it occurs to me the engine twisting action if it didn't break the bolt something else might have broken e.g. MAF housing. Needs a couple of rubber grommets to take up some of the twist?

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No not had this and mine gets plenty of stick. Only problem i've had is the hose coming off the maf housing a few times due to jubilee clips not being tight enough.

I'll have a look to make sure everythings ok. I would have thought the hosing would have taken up any movement of the engine - i have about an inch gap between the maf housing and the lan pipe.

Time to get some ABD engine mounts then... :D

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No not had this and mine gets plenty of stick. Only problem i've had is the hose coming off the maf housing a few times due to jubilee clips not being tight enough.

I'll have a look to make sure everythings ok. I would have thought the hosing would have taken up any movement of the engine - i have about an inch gap between the maf housing and the lan pipe.

Time to get some ABD engine mounts then... :D


I know the bolt was very tight because there was still some movement of the pipe at the filter end (if you lift the pipe up you will feel it). Perhaps mine was too tight (I put some foam under the front end to stop it moving) so if I were you put a rubber grommet between pipe clamp and the bolt to allow some movement.


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Mine is still loose at the minute. Ian at EP Motorsport is going to look at it on saturday for me. I to had mine tight as the pipe still had movement in it.

The stud has not broken on mine it's the weld? that seams to have gone. Left a hole where it used to be (about 10mm) showing the skin behing.

Ian looked at it and said he may drill and tap the skin behind but it looks a bit thin so drill it out and weld a nut over the hole but will have to see on saturday.

May fabricate a bracket with a flexible mount. Going to see Clive at Powerflow as i am sure he has some small rubber exhaust mounts with threaded bar either side.

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Mine is still loose at the minute. Ian at EP Motorsport is going to look at it on saturday for me. I to had mine tight as the pipe still had movement in it.

The stud has not broken on mine it's the weld? that seams to have gone. Left a hole where it used to be (about 10mm) showing the skin behing.

Ian looked at it and said he may drill and tap the skin behind but it looks a bit thin so drill it out and weld a nut over the hole but will have to see on saturday.

May fabricate a bracket with a flexible mount. Going to see Clive at Powerflow as i am sure he has some small rubber exhaust mounts with threaded bar either side.

Mine has sheared where it goes through the wing but there is no hole. As I was planning to drill it out and insert new bolt through outer wing can you let me know what your man Ian decides to do. I have tie-wrapped it onto the adjacent bracket for now but still clonks whenever pulling away.

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:rofl: nyer nyer Adrian :haha:


If you want optimum results you need to get the air in from the best location, behind the bumper, then the pipe has to be supported. What it proves is that the ABD LAN mounting bracket is stronger than Skoda's OEM bolt/weld.

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If you want optimum results you need to get the air in from the best location, behind the bumper, then the pipe has to be supported. What it proves is that the ABD LAN mounting bracket is stronger than Skoda's OEM bolt/weld.

Don't forget Chris, the intake pipe needs to be nice and smooth and not have the air flow of an accordion AIR. :friday:

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  • 4 weeks later...

:( Uh-oh - no sooner do I say everything's OK... does Adrian helpfully point out to me at Jabba yesterday that... yep... the bolt has sheared off :doh:

Chris and others - what did you do in the end? Did you drill a new hole or cable tie the pipe or....?

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:( Uh-oh - no sooner do I say everything's OK... does Adrian helpfully point out to me at Jabba yesterday that... yep... the bolt has sheared off :doh:

Chris and others - what did you do in the end? Did you drill a new hole or cable tie the pipe or....?


I got hold of the correct thread size bolt with flat plate attached as used in the fibre glass business and Araldite'd it to the wing and left for 24 hrs to cure. Then put an an tap washer on the bolt to cushion it and attached the original nut. Dont drill the wing as its double skinned

I can PM you a photo of the bolt thingy and if you cant get hold of one locally send you one.

What were you having done at Jabba may I ask?


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Chris, yes please, any photo's would be useful - email them if you want (email address in signature).

What was I doing at Jabba? Well, I was just going up to be sociable but ended up having KW v2's fitted. A lovely 40mm drop and no more 'hippo-on-a-rollerskate' handling!

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