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Power vs Handling


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I have a 2wd Octavia 1.8T which I've had for coming up to 3 months now. I've had a failed coil pack so I guess I'm being initiated in the standard fashion. I have a desire to sharpen it up in one way or another but not sure which way to go....

The power is great, such as it is - it's quicker than my previous 2.0 Mondeo but doesn't have the grunt of the V6 I had before that. The torque seems good low down (guess because of the turbo vs the normally aspirated stuff I've been used to) but it seems to run out of puff somewhat at the top end.

Handling wise it's terrible. My bog-standard 2.0 Mondeo would have ****ed all over it round bends, specially in the wet. Basically it seems to suffer from chronic understeer and lots more roll/wallow than I'm used to. It had 17" rims fitted by the dealer before it was sold to the PO - I'm the second owner and they have some horrible cheap rubber on, so maybe replacing those with something grippier when the time comes (which won't be long since I do over 500 miles a week) will help with the understeer. What tyres do people like round here?

So my dilemma is which aspect to start work on first - should I try and stiffen it up (maybe its balance has been upset by the 17" rims and 225/45 tyres) to get it to go round corners a bit better, or should I start looking for more power, which won't do me a lot of good unless I stick to straight-line motoring?

Of course I'd like to do both, but I have a wife and kids to run as well :D

Thoughts anybody?


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If you've got cheap tyres, that could account for a lot of the understeer -

probably worth getting a new set, various other threads here have


As for your wallowing and body roll, I know what you mean - quite

soft suspension. However, no matter how hard I've pushed mine

into corners, it's never caused problems, and this is on skinny steel

wheels. It's damn uncomfortable, but the car handles it :D


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My suggestions are:

1. If you have 17 s check your tyre pressures, mine also understeered until I set them up to 2.4 bars ALL round. Yes that's 2.4-works for me.

2 Get Pirelli tyres - see Autocar last week raved about them

3. I'm sure an expert will advise on suspension mods - queue TaviaRS?

3. Get it chipped either plug-in or remap, depends whereabouts you are willing to drive to in the UK. If I had my time over again I would go for Jabbasport remap based in Peterborough rather than the chips.

4. Get a more efficient exhaust system complete with CAT.

That should give you well over 200 bhp.


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Thanks Chris. Sounds like tyres are my first and cheapest avenue of exploration. I will add some more pressure tonight on the way home and see what that does for me - was running 2.1F/2.3R as recommended to me by the dealer - the handbook doesn't have figures for that tyre size. Then as soon as they wear out I'll get some better rubber.

I guess there must be some point at which too much pressure becomes counter-productive ... never experimented properly. :roll:

I've been reading up on chips/remaps etc. and I'm beginning to get the feeling that Jabbasport is well respected within this community.

I'll be interested to hear any suspension suggestions too.

Thanks again


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Tried upping the tyre pressures last night - seems slightly better. Unfortunately was stuck behind slow traffic on all the good windy bits on the way to work today - hopefully more scope for testing on the way home! Thanks Chris.

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I have the standard 205 Contis 17ins on my RS and have found it much tighter with 2.4 versus the 2.1 as shown in the fuel filler cap. Of course its pretty noisy and stiff ride but that's to be expected with the higher pressures.


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Well my appointment with Jabbasport is made for the 27th. I'll report back when it's done. Can't wait!! Luckily I'm on holiday for a week between now and then - only 10 days to wait aside from that ...

hahahahahahahaha! :twisted:

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Assume you are having the remap only at this point. I would be interested to hear the before and after figures. Maybe you could let me have the plots via email? How many miles have you done as I think that might a difference, mine had only done 4k and was bang on quoted torque and bhp on the R/R?


Well my appointment with Jabbasport is made for the 27th. I'll report back when it's done. Can't wait!! Luckily I'm on holiday for a week between now and then - only 10 days to wait aside from that ...

hahahahahahahaha! :twisted:[/quote:4f1f0c4b35]

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My understanding is that there's no such thing as a "remap only". All remaps (including Jabba) seem to involve a chip also (maybe other listers know more here).

Yes, I'm starting from stock, 150 bhp engine, 34k miles, and I'll be happy to post results afterwards.

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I guess they're just EEPROMS. If they were flash EEPROMS there would presumably be no need to remove the original, but presumably the manufacturers (Bosch or whoever) don't really WANT anybody to reprogram them :-D

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Your being modest - it looks more like + 40 lbf.ft in the lower rpms from the PEs curves.


I suppose its possible.

Karl has 238bhp, about 230 lb/ft - but that is with the full Milltek exhaust and we all know how much extra that gives (in my case 15 bhp and 35lb/ft)[/quote:d0b85c2a85]

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I have the standard 205 Contis 17ins on my RS and have found it much tighter with 2.4 versus the 2.1 as shown in the fuel filler cap. Of course its pretty noisy and stiff ride but that's to be expected with the higher pressures.


I have all four tyres 0.2 up on the advised front and rear pressures, as I've always done and liked. It gives a snappier ride and can save quite a bit of fuel, but you shouldn't go overboard, especially on an understeering FWD.

On a bumpy road rock-hard tyres can suddenly break away to the side, which is not what you want in corners, as you will run out of road very quickly, not to mention what will happen when the tyres hit the tarmac again, all depending on what your gut reaction will be in the meantime and whether you have already passed the apex.

At least in a 4WD the car will shift and bump sideways on all fours and pick up where you left - scary enough when doing a motorway bend at 100mph, but you'll live to tell a brave story. 8)

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Yep - think I've found the limit for increased tyre pressure. Put them up to 36 all round the other day. Today I thought I'd try with the rears slightly softer - went to a different garage and went all round again - this gauge reckoned they were at 31 not 36 so it piled in loads more pressure. Now the front is decidedly skittish - not just understeer but sideways drift in the wet. So some pressure will have to come back out. Wish gauges would be calibrated the same !!! Will have to remember to get the trusty pocket gauge back in the car....

16 days to go ... :)

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I find 2.4 all round works just fine on my RS, not skittish but then I dont try and loose it or use all the performance in the wet. I carry full volume (if not weight) loads often hence the need to have the rears higher but not as high as Skoda listed on the filler cap,2.6(?)


I have the standard 205 Contis 17ins on my RS and have found it much tighter with 2.4 versus the 2.1 as shown in the fuel filler cap. Of course its pretty noisy and stiff ride but that's to be expected with the higher pressures.


I have all four tyres 0.2 up on the advised front and rear pressures, as I've always done and liked. It gives a snappier ride and can save quite a bit of fuel, but you shouldn't go overboard, especially on an understeering FWD.

On a bumpy road rock-hard tyres can suddenly break away to the side, which is not what you want in corners, as you will run out of road very quickly, not to mention what will happen when the tyres hit the tarmac again, all depending on what your gut reaction will be in the meantime and whether you have already passed the apex.

At least in a 4WD the car will shift and bump sideways on all fours and pick up where you left - scary enough when doing a motorway bend at 100mph, but you'll live to tell a brave story. 8)[/quote:56bf167826]

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