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New engine or fix it up?


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Looks like the broken thermostat has caused massive damage then...

* Head gasket

* Head warped

* Camshaft running into the bearings causing it to scrape (i.e. it was running dry :eek: )

* Two small bits of metal found, probably tools.

Now I have a feeling this is a combination of the LPG fitting (i.e. person fitting it just drilling in & something snapping into the pipe work, and rather than notifying me just leaving it there, not impressed if that is the case) OR because something bad has happened elsewhere without a notable effect.

It is pretty obvious this could have killed my engine completely by snapping the camshaft.

Looking at pretty scary numbers now to repair this.

How much would a straight engine swap be, roughly?

This is to allow me to make the most sensible decision ;)

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The engine swap wouldn't be too bad TBH, you would want to use your own gearbox and clutch etc.

That said it might be cheaper to go with the repair depending on what else they find.

Depends on what you can source an engine for and you'd want it to be a good one.

I know a man than can skim the head for you.

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Causing the camshaft to scrape the bearings by running dry would suggest contamination of the oil and a blocked oilway to me. Unless the head is so badly warped that it has caused misalignment.

Do you need a new camshaft or just the bearings?

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Hmmm, sounds bad - feel sorry for you fella, I know how careful you have been with modding your car, every mod thought out properly etc.

I'd definitely be weighing up the cost of replacement engine vs repair cost. Surely the block is just fine though...?

How much is a new head from VAG? Is it beyond being skimmed and rebuilt?

Could be a prime opportunity for porting and larger valves though!!! Maybe the 16v head would fit from a 2.0PD? He he. ;)

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I paid £1500 for my engine, gearbox, hubs (damaged as I later found) ECU, ignition barrel, and with 7360 miles done only. Was "quite" good value. My mate was able to rip out my pd100 and at least get the new engine sitting in the car in one day. :cool: I would guess that at any semi competent mechanic could do it in 2 days easily (given the need to split gearboxes/join up) but then you don't need much arseing about with driveshafts as you can just unbolt them and leave them hanging. You may need to remove some of the engine bay fittings like airbox/battery, but not much else. Best way to get the engine in and out appears to be from the top (saves removing steering consoles, etc)

Good luck, and sorry to hear of your issues. If you get to keep the knackered engine - break it down for the pd130 injectors - worth a lot of money. ;) Also if you can, keep good condition bits for spares i.e bottom end, sump, any untouched pistons, etc. That might be worth doing.

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Thanks guys for the feedback, will definitely take this back to APS so they can investigate what is the most cost effective option.

Frustrating to put it mildly to see all my weekend pay money drop into a black hole again though :(

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Guest Fabia 12v
Sorry to hear about this WW, especially as your car is so well looked after and modified! Hopefully you'll get it sorted soon :D


Ditto, was only earlier in the year when we met up in bracknell and you were explaining what you had done/planning, a well loved machine.

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It is a tad dirtier again annoyingly, but I must admit I have always said if you modify it you take your chances so I won't complain too much beyond the dealer not finding the faulty thermostat (which is annoying to put it mildly..).

The overall cost is not too bad I suppose + I have a free courtesy car whilst my car is off the road (thanks Auto Performance Services :thumbup: ).

It is being combined with a bunch of other stuff / 60k service so once it's back on the road I can hopefully put this behind me and enjoy the car the way it was supposed to be enjoyed (and get it remapped properly for the gear that's fitted to it )

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Give this lot a call if you can:

Ivor Searle Ltd. - Engines of Excellence

We bought a reconditioned engine from them very cheaply a few years back (Petrol i admit). IIRC they can also recon your engine if you don't mind waiting.

iirc they only do renault/fiat stuff nowadays........

if you're head is leaking, i expect it has blown through into the injector mounting. a recon head is over a grand for a pd engine

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Sorry to read about your bad experiences. If more or less down to the thermostat then That could more or less happen to anyone.

I think the quickest option for getting the car going again is to find a drop-in replacement engine from a scrappies or a written off car.

Never seen a bored out PD130 though...... :D Wonder how many CCs you can get them out to?


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:rofl: @ 1.8T - nah it doesn't make sense (at this point ;))

Having looked at my options + the fact I've got a brand new hybrid to go onto the car I'm gonna have to stick it with this engine & get it sorted.

Gonna need some more overtime :D

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Just to feed back on that - not really worth it on a turbo diesel as it doesn't rev high enough to make significant difference.

It may still get done as it's going to a specialist to get it skimmed etc, they will potentially do a minimal 'flow' job on it at the same time.

Some minor tweaks like head bolts from the PD150 (if found to be stronger) + possibly the damper of it (ditto) may go in if it is going to help.

Can't afford to have this happen too often though I must admit...

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