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Reckon this can be refurbed?


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I managed to get both my rear wheels off the wreck today, despite one of them being well jammed in a nice big crack in the chassis... :eek: A bit of crowbar treatment soon free'd it up. :D

Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone thought I could send this alloy away to be refurbed? Any thoughts?



OK, this is the serious bit. I reckon this alloy may be salvagable for my current car but it is well wounded around the rim. I'm certain its not bent, but I guess putting it on one of those balancing machines will be the only sure way of knowing for sure... So, how bad do these wounds look, and can it be fixed?




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The top one is a joke.... seriously, it's going in the bin once the tyre is off it and someone has assessed its OK to use. The tyre didn't look too scuffed though.

Its the alloy in the bottom two pics I'm wondering about where there is no bending, just the major scuffing around the rim...

Arcade awards must be for people wihth high scores in the arcade section - see link on the left somewhere... Wonder if I had one for the brief time I was chopper champion? :D

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The top one is a joke.... seriously' date=' it's going in the bin once the tyre is off it and someone has assessed its OK to use. The tyre didn't look too scuffed though.

Its the alloy in the bottom two pics I'm wondering about where there is no bending, just the major scuffing around the rim...

Arcade awards must be for people wihth high scores in the arcade section - see link on the left somewhere... Wonder if I had one for the brief time I was chopper champion? :D[/quote']

Yeah the scuffing will be no problem - can be TIG welded then machined back to flush with the rest of the profile.

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Both wheels have been damaged in a major accident and should be scrapped for that reason if no other. (There is a set of 4 new 14" Fabia alloys and tyres for sale on e-Bay at the moment).

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So should Jason scrap the other two wheels that were on the car at the same time, Denis? Does not compute ... if the wheel had been damaged in the same way by a careless bit of parking would you still say it should be scrapped?

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Thats my big problem... I have two pefectly fine ( no refurb needed ) 17" alloy wheels, that still look the dogs danglies, and that I'm very reluctant to get rid of (and what can I get for two unique 17" alloys? Once the set is split up the value will have plumetted. Spare wheels about all they can be used for :()

So, my #1 aim to is make the set of alloys complete again. This means I will (again) be in possession of a set of the nicest 17s I've seen around for some time, and also each alloy will be worth more money as a set of 4, than just as a pair...

Oh, and I don't really want 14" alloys. Its got 15s on it now that I'm happy to sell but equally happy to keep (i washed them today and they're a little bit scuffed too... :() I'd prefer to get my 17s back on as the Fabia's, like the octy's, look really nice with wheels that big.


PS: none of this "I want 17s again" is going to mean I'm gonna make a stupid decision about using a suspect alloy... I'll happily just nip over to VW and order two, for my own piece of mind. Oh, and a pair of Toyo's too.

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Personally I'd be concerned about re-using alloys that had been involved in an accident - it's impossible to check for internal damage (e.g. hair line cracks) without them being X-rayed.

I'd also be a little worried about using the tyres - worth getting them inspected by a specialist or two (not your local Kwik Fit lacky). Remember, there the only thing between you and the road.

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:mad: :mad: :D;)

There's no plans for me to re-use the tyres - If a mates want to use them to make his old 325i road-legal, to sell, then fair enough.

The trouble with impacts was that (apart from the bent one) none were actually involved in any form of direct impact. The fronts totally escaped... How, I've still not figured out considering the circumstances and dynamics of the accident. The rear left seemed to have copped a major rub off something, I suspect the bank I mounted, but have no signs of bending. Only spinning one up will tell me for certain I guess.

Thanks for the advice though. The slightest hint both are deffo knackered, they're going in the bin.


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If you have a friendly tyre dealer see if he will run the wheels up on his balancer once the tyres are off & you can check to see if it runs true. If you cant do that when the tyres are off roll them on a completely flat smooth surface, if you have a smooth garage floor use that or a sheet of hardboard. Do it quite a few times & look to see how the rim runs, if it runs true then the wheel isnt buckled, just scuffed.

If they are only scuffed then they IMO can be safely refurbed. If they are bent then you need to seek the advice of a refurber or two.

If you are in any doubt bin them

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