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10k service on Fabia vRS


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graeme i think that as long as you use oem parts you should be ok but best to check first. i will have a word with my aftersales manager tomm. and will let you know his point of view' date=' may also phone skoda and make certain.


Cheers for that mate. Would be a great help. I know Toyota will allow warranty to be valid if it's a dealer stamp. Unless it's extended warranty. Then they want the Toyota stamps in the book. Hopefully Skoda are the same. :thumbup:

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This recent exchange between myself and Skoda Customer Services should clarify the question about service and warranty:

'I understand that the Skoda UK new vehicle warranty has changed as a result of an OFT inquiry into restrictive servicing practices, although this is not reflected in your website FAQ. Could you please send me a copy of the amended warranty so that I can post details on www.Briskoda.net. Also does that amended warranty apply retrospectively to cars covered under an existing warranty.

PS I understand that the Fabia brochure has a stick-on slip giving brief details of the amended warranty.


***** ****'


'Dear Mr ****,

Thank you for your email and support of the Skoda marque.

I am aware of the recent report published by the Office of Fair Trading in relation to new vehicle warranties, however, I can confirm that Skoda's warranty has never been offered on the condition of having the vehicle serviced within our franchised network. Therefore, the terms of our warranty remain unchanged. Full details of the warranty cover may be found within the "New Vehicle Warranty" document supplied with every vehicle's handbook pack (a copy of the latest version dated 04/02 is attached).

Whilst a customer is free to have their vehicle serviced wherever they choose, we would always recommend that servicing is undertaken at an Approved Repairer. Only then can we ensure that the technicians have received appropriate training and are equipped with the latest technical information and diagnostic equipment.

Warranty work must of course be carried out at an approved Skoda retailer, as the retailer must have access to the warranty system in order to submit a claim.

With regards to the sticker being applied to new vehicle brochures, I can confirm that this is not indicative of a change in the warranty conditions rather as a correction of an inaccuracy.

Should you require further clarification on this or any other issue please do not hesitate to contact the Customer Services Department on 0845 7745 745.

Yours sincerely,

****** *****

Customer Services Specialist'

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