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closing bonnet

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Its is a fine art.

I find holding it on the side of the bonnet (about where the headlight would be when its closed) and dropping it from about six inches or so does it.

Tend not to hold it on the grill as its quite flexable.

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It's not a problem, it's supposed to be that way. There are actually two catches - one that pops open when you pull the lever inside the cabin, and another that only opens when you push the little lever sideways under the bonnet itself. You need to close the bonnet with enough force to get past both catches.

I let the bonnet fall about 6-8 inches to close it.

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Strange, My octy takes no effort. Simply lower gently onto 1st catch and press in the centre of the bonnet gently, no slamming or dropping involved.

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Strange, My octy takes no effort. Simply lower gently onto 1st catch and press in the centre of the bonnet gently, no slamming or dropping involved.

I wouldn't push the bonnet, you may dent it :eek:


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Did they straighten the chassis as well as painting it? What happened to the zorst? Did they put the standard chip back in? Rewire the stereo? New disks and pads? Remove the snow tyres? New front shocks? :D

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Yep fabia bonnets need to be dropped, it even says so in the owners manual! Takes some getting used to! Just as a side note Ive taken photos of the under bonnet and blown them upto A4 and use these as opposed to constantly popping the bonnet. Also you stay nice dry and warm in the car!!

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godd idea Andy, but still got to leave it to the assassins on test though. :D

My local test centers have no problem with me doing the bonnet and a SE told me its at the examiners discretion, ask and they generally dont mind the adi doing it. Personally if they seem a bit thick or I'm worried I do it. Also the fabia bonnet can be seen to be closed from a distance. Top Tip #2. When they open the bonnet drill then to make sure the black pull thingy spings back in once they have opend the 2nd catch and lifted the bonnet. Now if they dont close it properly this will spring back out. They or you if they dont notice this can then repeat the close proceadure. Also mate take a permenant black marker and colour in the screenwash logo on the top of the bottle!

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Does your tutorial include all necessary steps to remove the trumpet in the air-box? :D

edit: My bonnet also needs dropping and from quite a height - say around a good foot or 18 inches up. If I try from any lower it just clunks on first stop and pushing down on the grill will not click it shut (and I worry about bending something when I try that) - dropping it from a height never seems to be a problem and it always makes a nice satisfying "this is shut" BANG when I do.

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