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What is the best dump valve???


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What do you want? They all do pretty much the same thing. Forge and Hyperboost are adjustable IIRC, the Bailey isn't . The Forge comes with a lifetime guarantee, not sure about the othres. In descending order of loudness; Hyperboost, Bailey, Forge.

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Bailey or Forge then. Price is similar, we get discounts at Forge (10%) and Jabba (5% for the Bailey), with the Forge being slightly cheaper. Both are louder than standard, but not excessive.

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I've got the Forge DV006, but have just been speaking to forge and they reccommend the DV007PA for the Octy vRS, as it fits better.

nice fit on mine....no mods needed to fit it under the engine cover either...better than the origanal

:thumbup: Phil

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fitted the Bailey DV30 from Jabba to mine last night, took me longer to get the standard jubilee style clips off than it did to put the new valve in place but the job was easy and only took 15mins or so in the end, didnt help doing it in the dark by torch light either mind !

The noise is twice as loud as the standard valve IMO and i didnt think i'd like it but i really really do !!! :thumbup:

Had it in black as i didnt see the point in going bling with the engine cover over the top of it but i am impressed with the quality and the service i got from Jabba.

BTW... all DV's from Jabba now come with elbow joints so it fits under the engine cover better and new jubilee clips...

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Replaced my Forge DV006 with Forge DV007PA today, fits better under the engine cover. Forge valve is manufactured well. I believe one of the differences is the forge valve is completely 'metal' whereas the Bailey has some 'plastic' parts.

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