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Angel Tuning- Recommendations?


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I know several people from here who have used them, like you say though only for diesel.

It certainly is a lot lower then many TFSi tuners.

Briskoda has a couple of tuners who support the site, perhaps you could ask them for a quote.

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Hmmm, not sure, maybe not, would'nt know what the differences are, to be honest with you, not being a techie head and all that. But if the end result is that they both give out 245BHP, then they cant be that much different surely?

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I'm not promoting APR or saying don't go to Angel.

APR is a massive US based setup who have a very good reputation tuning VAG cars.

Angel will probably use a generic map from a 3rd party company such as DimSport or RedDot

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Another company near you is Chipped UK.

Had a look there Stu, but they dont seem to do Mk 2 vRS Octy's. I know i mentioned that Angel were in Warwickshire, but i am actually in the North of Scotland! Its just that Angel come to your door, anywhere in the country, that was part of the appeal of using them. Anyway I'm only looking at the moment, need to get window tints first, missus isnt quite ready for more BHP just yet i dont think!

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my car is mapped by Angel tuning... great guys... they devolop their own maps (don't just buy 'generic' ones from some dodgy company, as some tuners do) and they are quite experianced with VAG cars and skodas....

my car was mapped at 4,500 miles, now up to 7k and no problems.. :)

:thumbup: to Nige at Angel tuning....

edit: angel do a mobile service too....

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Thanks for that mate. How has your car performed since you had it done? Is there a noticeable change to acceleration/speed etc? How is fuel consumption?

hugely noticable change... before it felt slower than my old vRS, after feels much quicker..., it really is a world of difference... I don't have any figures, but I'm going to the RR meet in Nov to get confimation :thumbup: fuel economy has improved when driving very gently (although this could just be due to the extra miles going on the engine... I know my vRS didn't give its best until 10k...) and is about the same when hoofing it... :)

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I had my 06 vrs 'done' by Angel tuning last September when it was on about 4k miles.

I've now done 9k miles and no problems at all.

Acceleration is noticeably better in all gears - only downside is that theres some vibration when i accelerate hard below 2.5k revs.

I haven't had it on a rolling road but could well believe what i was told - it that it now has ~180bhp.

I'm based in London and had them come down, do the tune here, take me on a test drive afterwards to make sure I was happy, and they also told me they'd change it back at any point if I'm not happy with it.

So only "watch out" is that based on my experience you might need to adjust your driving style when driving hard so that your revs don't drop below 2.5k ;)

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Hmmm, not sure, maybe not, would'nt know what the differences are, to be honest with you, not being a techie head and all that. But if the end result is that they both give out 245BHP, then they cant be that much different surely?

not really i drove scottie vrs's octy with the APR map on it and it was totally different to drive than my vrs with the REVO map on it..

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I have had an angel remap. It has been fine for the last 6k.

You can ask them to tailor the map, they will do the car to what you want rather than give you an undrivable all out bhp. I wanted a quick racy car so that's what I got. Once you hit 3k with foot down there is a very noticable pull but if you drive it gently it's not intrusive.

I drove a mates custom code remap, he asked for it to be smooth rather than agressive like mine, but he paid a lot more than I did and there is no difference in performance.

I know that if you can get two or more to be done at the same time, they may lower the price even further.


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Thanks for the recommendation Timo, some useful info there, looks like i will go with them once i have accumulated the necessary readies. One good thing about Angel is that they give a 15% discount to members of HM Forces, of which I am one! Bonus! :thumbup:

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Hmm, more useful info, thank you. Have you spoken to Angel about the vibration issue?

the vibration thing wont affect you if you have an octy... his is a fabia vRS, and they have issues with the flywheel, its DMF vibration that he can feel, nearly all mapped furby vRS's get it....

I don't have such problems in the fiat, but you would most likely get that vibration if you mapped a furby vRS...... as the guy says though , easy to drive around, and in doing so you help the life of your clutch :thumbup:

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the vibration thing wont affect you if you have an octy... his is a fabia vRS, and they have issues with the flywheel, its DMF vibration that he can feel, nearly all mapped furby vRS's get it....

I don't have such problems in the fiat, but you would most likely get that vibration if you mapped a furby vRS...... as the guy says though , easy to drive around, and in doing so you help the life of your clutch :thumbup:


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  • 3 weeks later...

Had my Fabia vRS re-mapped by Angel tunning and i couldn't be happier, the acceleration in every gear is amazing. Haven't got any vibration either and the economy is slightly improved. I live in Cumbria and they came down to me from Scotland, a guy called Paul did mine in about half an hour for

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