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BioDiesel in Octy II?

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I live in France and I have the same label saying no bio diesel to be used in my 2.0 tdi 4X4, but all diesel sold in France contains 5% bio diesel, doesnt appear to be a problem.

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This statement came out from our leasing company on Monday, Sumarised version is BIO diesel has an orange pump handle rather than the normal black and should not be put in VAG cars. This is not in the statement but the 5% BIO which is sold by supermarkets and many garages at pumps with black handles is fine for VAG Cars.

Full statement below:

Good Morning

B30 bio diesel, which is now available from over 100 Morrisons fuel stations nationally.

The fuel is a blend of 70 per cent fossil diesel and 30 per cent bio diesel, which is derived from fatty acid methyl esters (FAME). Normal diesel contains up to five per cent bio diesel (to the BS EN590 standard)

At least one Manufacturer to date has stated that this is not an approved fuel for it

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Just to rock the boat, my car is a 56 reg 1.9 tdi.

Dear Mr *****

Thank you for your most recent email regarding your Octavia TDi. I am pleased to learn that your vehicle is able to use a 30% blend of RME Biodiesel.

When designing our more recent models, there has been a lot of focus on increasing fuel efficiency and decreasing the carbon emissions released by our vehicles. The new technology and parts used are not compatible for use with 100% Biodiesel.

We want to play an active part in cutting global emissions of Co2 and we are committed to Biofuels. We have major projects underway to produce second generation Biofuels which we call Sunfuel. Sunfuel refers to sulphur- and aromatics-free diesel and petrol that emit far fewer pollutants on combustion and these second generation fuels offer the best platform for economic and low-emissions engines of the future.

For more information on Skoda and the environment please follow this link:

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