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Octavia Stream radio occasional "pop" noise


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I took mine in for some routine work yesterday and when I got the car back the guys at the dealership told me that they'd updated the radio firmware for me as well.

Apparently the latest firmware (which must have come out after April when mine was last serviced) fixes the occasional loud "pop" and reset that the Stream head units can sometimes make. It is reportedly a known issue by Skoda and the new software fixes it completely.

I'll see if I can pull the firmware version off mine and post it here so that folks can compare.

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mine did it once and then wouldnt turn back on. the only cure was to switch engine off and pull keys out then restart, but with saying that it was the once and it was before the service last year.

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A friends 08 VRS TDI does this - it did it very recently too. I'l let her know there is a firmware update for it. Thanks.


Apparently she is running the latest version already! Hers packed up this morning totally though and refused to play a CD so she drove straight to the dealers. They will be hooking it up to the diags machine in the next 20 mins.


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my 2005 estate used to do this, sounded like a bomb going off in the car, very alarming at first, garage changed the whole radio under warranty, no quibbels;

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my 2005 estate used to do this, sounded like a bomb going off in the car, very alarming at first, garage changed the whole radio under warranty, no quibbels;

Just to clarify; swapping the unit for a warranty replacement cured the issue?


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I had something like this, but in my case it was the kids posting coins through the CD slot!

As I went round corners they'd rattle around and make noise like thunder as they shorted the circuit boards :)

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Skoda dealer says "There is no error codes":eek: so apparently that means we are telling porkies.

Do they think we enjoy keep going to the dealers often a round trip of 40 miles to report the makes a gunshot sound.

I does make me laugh when any dealer for any make of car says "There isn't a problem as the computer says its fine"...

And I thought Ford Dealers were bad

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I've had it happen about half a dozen times on my 06 Octavia.

Not pleasant when it happens , but not enough that I could ever be bothered trying to get them to find and fix it

I have had it happen once, when the car was a couple of weeks old and on its first long journey.I nearly had a heart attack!

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It seems that the pop is coming on high speed... this is my opinion.

Probably some mess with the CAN-bus packets (ABS packets, etc.)...

Most of the times I can remember it has been at low speed , just after starting the engine.

If I know that I'm going to be stationary for a while I will turn the engine off and this leaves the radio running. When you restart the car the radio goes off for a couple of seconds but occasionally it will stay on with no interruption but then a couple of seconds later make the Pop noise.

It happened earlier in the week , just like that.

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FocusZtec, yes totally cured the problem, from the response of the dealer it was a well known problem, they didnt even bother to check it themselves, just ordered a new radio. I live in France by the way but I should think it should be the same response in UK.

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