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hey guys,need some help.my car was standard until today,then got it remapped.ive got a miltek exhaust with high flow cat on the way,the guy at the garage said it doesnt matter what order i fit these parts but my mate said i shud of got a remap after i fitted the exhaust.does it make any difference or will the computer sort out air flow etc by itself?its alot of money n hope i havent wasted it.should i of waited?

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It probably won't make any difference if you get a generic map ;)

If your going for a custom map get all the parts fitted first before the map.

What he said.

If you do make changes after a custom remap it won't be a waste of money , but you won't necessarily get the best from them.

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That depends on the tuner.

Some will do you a generic remap for quite a bit less than that , others charge more.

Where did you go?

Someone on here is bound to know.

How long did they take to do the work. If it was only half an hour or so then it would have been a generic remap.

If they took several hours it would have been a custom one

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Moto-Tech South West England UK - Superchips – Chip Tuning – remapping

Sounds like you've been given a superchips remap, and although reputable, superchips is not a remap generally favoured among the 1.8T engine driving fraternity, from what I've seen at least.

If you're happy with the gains though, fair enough. :cool: Be interesting to see what it does on a rolling road. Superchips may have gone some way to overriding their fairly poor reputation of two or three years ago. :)

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will i still gain from my full exhaust inc high flow cat?:confused:im cr*ping myself now,taken me ages to decide to spend my money.:(

U may still gain from adding other high performance parts, but like already said, change the hardware and then the software. Never remap if your planning on changing the key parts that effect the remaps performance in the near future.

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Well that really depends on what you told the guy and what you asked for. Did he know you were planning future modifications? Even if he did and you asked for a generic map you'd have the same software installed after you'd fitted the exhaust as you've just got. My advice is for anyone with a modified car is to have a custom map loaded to get the best result.

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I don't see how an authentic superchips dealer can chip a car with anything other than Superchips?! :confused:

I would contact them and ask the name of this German company as it seems a little odd no other company but superchips is mentioned on their site, and the fact their website bigs up superchips like they're the best thing in engine tuning ever....

It looks like moto-tech are getting a dyno installed. If miffed, I would ask them if they will change the map F.O.C to suit any future hardware mods you do, and then get a dyno-run done to compare the results to stock power. At the end of the day if they can make the car run well on your mods now, then alls good. If they'll alter it to suit new mods, then thats good too.

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no,it wasnt superchips,he said they were rubbish for my engine.he used some german company.

Hope it was Diga-tech. My was done with their map and they are a good reputable german company, mine only cost £99 though :)

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