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Driver Improvement Course at DriveTech

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It's been a long time since posting last but thought I ought to post about this as it was a good 'course'.

Had an accident in my Fabia vRS a long time ago now, but even though the brakes did not work (I am 99.99999% convinced of this to this day) nothing was found wrong with them (which considering the wheels were badly damaged and never taken off the vehicle until Bengie and I removed them a long time after I got the car back)...

As a result I would have been prosecuted for dangerous driving as a matter of course for hitting someone in the back of their vehicle. Witness(es) aside.

No-one was hurt at the time, and I opted for a driver improvement scheme option, which I eventually went on during the 14th and 15th of December this year.

DriveTech runs the course to check out your driving skills, awareness and checks if your knowledge is still current or not.

The course ran over two days, some interesting information about why warning signs etc are placed on the road, some changes to recommended way of driving based on fuel economy, changes in car ability, and just raising awareness was good to do again. There was no pass/fail type stuff but of course I was keen to know if I was a reasonable driver at least and if there were some easy things I could do to improve myself further.

I would highly recommend it, loved the extra insight provided, and it seems my driving was at a level where advanced driving would be of interest to me, as I enjoyed it :)

If you have the opportunity to go on one of these, I'd take it. There were 3 people + 1 instructor in the car, one of the ladies that drove scared the hell out of me, the other one was a fine driver. The course was quite 'relaxed' in nature, and very informative. All done now :)

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I went on one recently as a result of being caught speeding (46mph in a 40, but that's another story!). Not a hands on course like the one mentioned but a shortened desk based version for 'speeders' :rolleyes:. Frankly I found it patronising and the whole experience a huge dissapointment.

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Nope they didnt and no it is not standard to check the brakes. Which is why I was so annoyed it was not done as I specifically mentioned by me as a fault.

The speeding course is a very short one and although it was held at the same location is as Steve suggests not the same kinda thing.

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Ive heard of the driver tech courses, they have a deal with TV Police and its basically a reveune raiser (and trying to make the cops seem good for offering it).

WW-Vrs have you checked the boiling temp of the brake fluid? if its not up to scratch, well there will be your problem.

I work as a profesional driver and if we have an accident or caught speeding we have to go on an hour to two hour driving assesment and do the hazzard perseption test. As far as the company is concerned accidents dont just happen if you do things correctly and two accidents in a year is classed as gross misconduct.

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As far as the company is concerned accidents dont just happen if you do things correctly and two accidents in a year is classed as gross misconduct.

This is very true and accidents don't just happen because there's always a cause (it's just we as humans don't like admitting that cause might have been us/our incompetence :rofl:)


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